Category Archives: Chaplain

US Army’s Strong Bonds Protect Military Marriages

The US military has long recognized the value of the family, even as it applies directly to the military mission.  For that reason the military services have had a variety of programs to not only counter divorce, but also to help make marriages and families stronger.  An Air Force Times article notes budget cuts have apparently not eliminated the marriage enrichment programs in the Air Force.

The Army’s long-running program is Strong Bonds, a chaplain-led retreat which gets husbands and wives away from the day-to-day toils to focus on their relationship:

It’s a chance to really look at marriage with Read more

Catholic Nuns as US Military Chaplains?

Dr. Jennifer Bryson, a guest writer at the Washington Post and research professor at the US Army War College, oversteps her expertise in a recent article, saying:

It is time for the Roman Catholic Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA to consider allowing nuns to serve as U.S. military chaplains.

She claims she has heard three main criticisms when she has made this argument in the past:

First I hear, “But women can’t celebrate Mass.” Of course not…Second I hear, “Oh no, all nuns are liberal!”…Third I hear, “No woman would want to serve in the military as a Catholic chaplain.”

Those criticisms are irrelevant.  More to the point is the criticism the Military Archdiocese lacks the authority she demands it assume:  The US military has rules, procedures, Read more

The Military as a Mission Field

A US Army article from Afghanistan covers the “Teach-Love-Care” aspect of the military chaplaincy.  Several chaplains are quoted discussing unique and interesting aspects of the chaplain field:

On exposure to varying religious beliefs in the military:

“As a civilian minister, I was very church oriented, always surrounded by Christians. There wasn’t much chance to go out and meet people of other beliefs,” said U.S. Army chaplain Capt. Soojin Chang, a Southern Baptist chaplain…”But in the Army, I don’t have to go out and search for these people. They come to me and we discuss about our belief. There is a mutual respect with each other.”

On troops openness to faith:  Read more

Army Highlights Korean War Chaplains

As US Army Chaplain (Capt) Emil Kapaun posthumously receives the Medal of Honor for his service during the Korean War, the US Army took the opportunity to highlight the story of the entire chaplaincy during the era of the Korean War, including Chaplain Felhoelter, the first US Army chaplain killed in the conflict:

Other chaplains…narrowly escap[ed] as one American position after another fell before the North Korean advance. All survived, with the exception of Chaplain Herman G. Felhoelter of the 19th Infantry Regiment.

With his battalion falling back as the American position along the Kum River collapsed, Felhoelter volunteered to remain behind Read more

The Story of Chaplain Kapaun, Medal of Honor Recipient

The DoD has published a lengthy, two-part (1, 2) story on Chaplain Emil Kapaun, who will posthumously receive the Medal of Honor tomorrow.  The articles contain many details of his private and military life, as well as many photographs.

Read Part 1 and Part 2.

Update: The well-covered story by the Associated Press.  In addition, an article notes a memorial in Kaiserslautern, Germany, where military facilities are named in honor of Kapaun, including a Kapaun Chapel that still hosts services.

In 1955, four years after his death, the Army named Kapaun Barracks — now Kapaun Administration Annex in Kaiserslautern, Germany — after him.


Military Chaplains Reach Out

A local article highlights US Army Chaplain (Maj) Douglas Ball and Chap (Capt) Rodney Gilliam, who visited an off-site training location to meet Soldiers’ spiritual needs:

The chaplains wanted to show Soldiers they care about them and are there if they need to talk, Ball said.

“For many of them, I provide a different avenue,” he said. “One of the advantages of the chaplains is our confidentiality…

The quoted troops responded positively:  Read more

Chaplain Receives Distinguished Service Award

As announced by the US Navy, the Military Chaplain Association awarded its 2013 Distinguished Service Award to US Navy Chaplain (Lt) Karen Rector:

“In a lifetime of service at sea, Chaplain Karen Rector is clearly the best chaplain that I have sailed with,” said Capt. Daniel B. Uhls, USS Hue City commanding officer. “Chaplain of the year is a prestigious award that is in place to recognize the service’s finest, and I don’t believe anyone would have to look any further than Karen.”


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