Category Archives: Chaplain

Pope Elevates US Air Force Chaplain to Bishop

Updates on the elevation at Stars and Stripes and

Air Force Chaplain (Maj) Chad Zielinski, currently the deputy wing chaplain at Eielson AFB, was recently selected by Pope Francis to be the new bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Fairbanks, Alaska. According to the Air Force announcement, it is the first time an active duty chaplain has been elevated to bishop.

“I was very shocked and humbled to be chosen by the Holy Father,” Zielinski said. “I’m looking forward to the new venture and challenges, but by the grace of God and the talents of the people around me the transition should be smooth.”

Chaplain Zielinski previously served at the US Air Force Academy, and received accolades there, as well.

The article indicates the chaplain will continue to serve in the Air Force Reserve while he is the bishop.

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Navy Chaplain Advances Pentagon’s Relationship with Faithful

Is it the role of a US military chaplain to advance the US military’s relationship with Christians around the world?

An article at the Quantico Sentry (and repeated at a US military site) highlights US Navy Chaplain (Cmdr) Abuhena Saifulislam, one of the more prominent faces of Islam in the US military over the past few years. The article notes

He’s served as the public face of an all-inclusive U.S. military and as a living example that the U.S. armed forces and Islam were not inherently incompatible.

About Islamic extremists, Chaplain Saifulislam said  Read more

Chaplain Serves Faithful in Afghanistan

A US Army news article highlights Chaplain (Capt) Edgardo Rivas, a Seventh Day Adventist chaplain currently serving in Afghanistan:

The U.S. Army chaplains corps motto is “pro deo et patria,” which translates “For God and Country,” and points to their dual role as mentioned in their mission statement…

“There was one particular Soldier that came to my service, whom was a Seventh-day Adventist before,” said Rivas. “After the service, he approached me and told me that it was time for him to Read more

Jewish Chaplain Integrates Faith, Military Profession

Chaplain (Capt) Michael Bram made the news as the first Jewish chaplain to serve at Elmendorf since the 1970s:

According to Bram, there are only six Jewish chaplains on active duty in the U.S. Air Force. The first Jewish chaplain at JBER in the last 25 years, Bram said he is used to the curiosity that can surround a man in a uniform and a yarmulke.

“The question I am asked, more than any other question, is, ‘How does it stay on your head?'”

Chaplain Bram has a fascinating story, told at Read more

US Navy Gets First Female Chief of Chaplains

With the retirement of Rear Adm Mark Tidd, Rear Adm Margaret Kibben, formerly the US Navy’s Deputy Chief of Chaplains and Chief of Chaplains for the Marine Corps, was promoted to Rear Admiral (Upper Half) and assumed the position of Chief of Chaplains for the US Navy.

Both her promotion and assumption of duties marked a historic event for the Navy and its Chaplain Corps as Kibben became the first female chief of Navy chaplains and the first female Navy chaplain to hold the rank of rear admiral upper half.

As the new Chief Chaplain, RAdm Kibben, who is endorsed by the PC(USA), “pledged” to have her chaplains support service members and their families

so that they “grow spiritually, are certain of their moral and ethical foundations, and are free and able to exercise and enjoy a community of faith.”

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Chaplain on Life Decisions

Chaplain (LtCmdr) Harvey Macklin recently had the opportunity to give a sermon to “improve unit cohesion.” He was able to see his Marines grow “not just as warriors, but also as strong spiritual leaders:”

[Soldiers are] going to have to make a decision one day on who they’re going to follow and what they’re going to put their trust in. From my perspective, trusting in the Lord Jesus Christ as our savior to lead us, guide us; to help us with our mind, our heart, our soul and our strength, is who we are. Everything else comes after that. Bravery, courage, obedience, loyalty; it all comes out of who you are. If you don’t know yourself, you’re going to have very little success in life.

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Air Force Launches Tours to Recruit Catholic Priests

The Air Force has launched “Come Be with Us” tours to recruit Roman Catholic priests into the military chaplaincy. Father John Kinney, the AFRS Chaplain Corps Accessions director, said

“There are currently 53 Catholic chaplains providing religious support to more than 190,000 Catholic Airmen and their families,” Kinney said. “That is down from 205 Catholic chaplains 25 years ago. Within the next three months, five Catholic chaplains will be retiring. The Air Force needs 120 Catholic chaplains to meet the needs of Catholics in the Air Force.”

Despite their large declared numbers in the military, Catholics Read more

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