Todd Starnes: Lackland Air Force Base’s Politically Correct Agenda

by Sonny Hernandez

Todd Starnes reported a controversial story about an email that was sent by a senior Air Force leader to an untold number of personnel at Lackland Air Force Base, which should cause observers to wonder if it is a politically correct agenda that shows partiality toward those who care more about sensitivity than service.

Starnes alleges an incensed Airman sent him a copy of an email which did not address integrity, service before self, or excellence — instead, the email addressed issues that could be construed as offensive to others. It would be expected for the military to ensure compliance that sexual harassment, slander, and moral turpitude would not be tolerated. It is ironic that the email did not address any of the aforementioned compliances. Instead, the Air Force advised the Airmen to study a list of words, which should cause observers to be vexed:  Read more

General Julie Bentz Prays for Her Troops, so Mikey Weinstein Wants Her Fired

US Army MajGen Julie Bentz is the vice director of the Joint Improvised Threat Defeat Organization. She was also recently the keynote speaker of the 56th annual Kansas Prayer Breakfast held on March 15th.

That’s why Michael “Mikey” Weinstein wants her fired.

Advocates for religious freedom [sic] say a two-star general violated the U.S. Constitution and endangered troops when she told those gathered at a prayer breakfast about her “greatest privilege.”…

Weinstein is calling for an investigation and said Bentz should be removed from her position.

How did Gen Bentz violate the Constitution? Weinstein quotes thusly [emphasis his]: Read more

Air National Guard Ignores FFRF Atheist Complaint

Not long after receiving a letter (PDF) from the First Liberty Institute, the New Hampshire Air National Guard at the Pease ANG Base has said they have chosen to ignore the previously reported complaint from the Freedom From Religion Foundation:

“We don’t plan on responding to the FFRF,” [Greg Heilshorn, spokesman for the New Hampshire National Guard] said. “We haven’t had any formal complaints from our airmen internally regarding any concerns with prayers being said at various ceremonies. We will continue as we’ve done before. It’s our tradition. We believe our chaplains…[are a] vital part of our organization.”

Well done. The US military is not obligated to respond to the FFRF — or any other third party complaint — at all. By declining to do so, they avoid the perception they are legitimizing the FFRF or its generalized accusations about religious expression in the US military.  Meanwhile, if there are any actual complainants who have an actionable grievance, they still have access to every grievance system within the military.

Part of the issue with Read more

As Politicians Debate, Air Force Praises Immigration

In an awkwardly timed piece on “Immigrant Airmen,” the US Air Force published profiles on five Airmen from the deployed 407th Air Expeditionary Group who immigrated to the United States.

As a nation founded by immigrants, the U.S. has long drawn its strength through the diversity of its citizens.

The complexity of global challenges the U.S. faces today can only be overcome by capitalizing on all the resources at its disposal, including leveraging its greatest strength – its people.

It’s probably a bit of melodrama for an article on immigrant diversity to say it is the only way the Nation can overcome “global challenges.” Still, the general sentiment is understood.

What is unusual is the US Air Force stepping into politics, as President Trump — who ultimately commands the Air Force — has faced criticism for his immigration policies, primarily Read more

Mikey Weinstein Finds Homage in Air Force Toons

The comic strip of the Air Force Times recently took a swipe at the ever-present malcontent Michael “Mikey” Weinstein:

Weinstein, never one to pass on free publicity, immediately issued a press release and even paid for an advertisement on Facebook proclaiming the “huge homage“. (It would seem he needs to look up the definition of that word.)  Where Mikey Weinstein apparently feels he has “arrived,” others see (the reality) that Mikey Weinstein has become a cultural punch line.

Of course, the beauty of a successful lampoon is Read more

New Air Force Chaplain: Race, Gender, but No Religion

The Air National Guard’s 177th Fighter Wing in New Jersey recently published an article announcing it had commissioned 1Lt Anita Morris as its new chaplain. Interestingly, the relatively short piece on the new unit’s religious representative managed to say nothing about religion; in fact, discounting the word “chaplain,” the only word remotely related to the chaplain’s field was one occurrence of “spiritual.” Otherwise:

History was made [when] Morris became the first African-American female to serve as chaplain in the history of the 177th Fighter Wing.

“It was met with great humility and gratitude to know I am the first,” Morris said.

The article was happy to communicate Lt Morris’ race and gender, but Read more

“Evangelical Christians need to stop being wimps”

Evangelicals have confused Christ’s command to love others with being likable, as if that were an attribute of God. (It isn’t.) As such, they endeavor to be, above all else, inoffensive and polite. This doctrinal malpractice has given us a generation of men who are what Lewis called “men without chests…”

I urge you instead to be offended by the way our God’s name is blasphemed in our country every day; by the 54 million children murdered in the holocaust of abortion since 1973; by the sordid sexual agenda that is eroding the very fabric of Western civilization; by the Read more

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