Hate, Love, Sin and Repentance: The Culture’s Struggle to Redefine Christianity

A web article recently cited “Christian pastor” Liam Hooper — whom it identified as transgender — as proposing an alternate philosophy on how transgenders should be viewed in the Christian faith:

He [sic] had this message for trans people of all religious faiths who are serving in the military.

“You are — each of you — individual, beautiful and beloved images of God…beings God imagined and anticipated in the creation of human beings. You, in all of your personhood, speak to a God who affirms that there are as many images of God as there are now, ever have been, or ever will be human beings,” Hooper said. “You are beautiful. As you are. And you are loved.”

It is true that all men and women are created by God in the image of God. That is Read more

Bible Studies Begin Again at the White House

In an “exclusive,” CBN News talked to Ralph Drollinger of Capitol Ministries and his successful efforts to lead Bible studies at the White House — presumably after an 8-year Obama Administration hiatus:

Drollinger is a former NBA-playing giant of a man with an even bigger calling. He founded Capitol Ministries with the idea that if you change the hearts of lawmakers, then their Christian world view will guide them to make good policies.

He’s started Bible studies in 40 state capitols, a number of foreign capitols, teaches weekly studies in the U.S. House and Senate and now leads about a dozen members of President Trump’s Cabinet in weekly studies of the scriptures.

Health Secretary Tom Price, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, Agriculture Secretary Sunny Perdue, and CIA Director Mike Pompeo are just a few of the regulars.

The article leads off by noting President Trump’s staff has “been called Read more

Reformed Transgender Walt Heyer: Trump is Right

From Walt Heyer at The Federalist, who describes himself this way:

I felt distress at being a boy and longed to be a girl starting at the age of 4. I underwent full gender reassignment at age 43 and lived as a woman for eight years. Now I have more than 70 years of first-hand life experience and 20 years of researching the topic.

Now he’s preaching to others what he says he learned firsthand: Giving people drugs or physically changing their appearance won’t solve their issues: Read more

Catholic Military Chaplaincy Endorses Trump’s Transgender Order

Timothy Broglio, Archbishop for the Military Services and the sending endorser for Catholic chaplains, has expressed support for President Trump’s decision to ban transgenders from serving in the US military, but he explained that the pragmatic value of “military readiness” wasn’t the core issue [emphasis added]:

The President’s announcement…fail[s] to address the essence of the issue – the dignity of the human person.

The dignity of the human person is rooted in the fact that people are created in the image and likeness of God…A recent conference…noted that gender ideology undermines basic Christian anthropology by defining the person as a disembodied mind and Read more

Navy Commander Fired over Morality, Sexuality

Stars and Stripes reports that US Navy Cmdr Steven Everhart was removed in July from his command of the submarine USS Pennsylvania. The reason? Everhart was fired for who he loved.

The investigation, which began in early June, supported charging him with violating Uniform Code of Military Justice Articles 133 and 134, conduct unbecoming an officer and adultery, respectively, he said.

That the charges do not include false official statements, fraternization, or other internal military issues seems to indicate this was a non-official matter.

As even Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has noted, the US military Read more

Mikey Weinstein Demands Air Force Punish Chaplains for Doing Their Job

Mikey Weinstein May Demand Colored Crosses on Air Force Uniforms

It would seem Michael “Mikey” Weinstein wants to the US military to segregate US troops by their religion.

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base has yet again become the target of a complaint by Weinstein. (The frequency isn’t due to Wright-Patt’s behavior, but the presence of Mikey Weinstein’s friends and family.) This time, Wright-Patt did precisely what Mikey Weinstein wanted — and he still demanded “punishment” for people’s “dangerous violations of Air Force regulations.”

The offense? The Wing Chaplain’s office sent out an email to the Wing.

The core of the email was simple, as forwarded to Weinstein by a sympathizer: Read more

Navy Asks, Shares, Learns about Fellow Troops’ Sexual Behaviors

The Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division celebrated LGBT “pride” last month, with its commanding officer saying they should all make a point to know more about each other — presumably, given the context, referring to each other’s sexual practices. US Navy CAPT Godfrey “Gus” Weekes said:

LGBT Pride Month affirms our commitment to increase awareness, mutual respect, and understanding of all members of our workforce. Let’s take the theme ‘Ask, Share and Learn’ to heart and embrace knowing more about our colleagues and celebrating our collective diversity…

When you hear about events like these, Read more

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