Zen Military Training

Though military Christians are sometimes criticized in the media for mixing their faith and their profession, they are far from the only ones to do so (as previously discussed).

One unusual place that recently showed a mix of faith and the military was the Discovery Channel’s Future Weapons.  The military-focused show features a variety of advanced weaponry, explaining and demonstrating the capabilities of the latest advances in combat arms.

The host, Richard “Mack” Machowicz (bio), is a former Navy Seal who also trained to be a zen priest. Read more

Charitable Giving and the CFC: 2009

This is an updated version of the annual discussion of the Combined Federal Campaign.

Whether or not you believe in the concept of the exact tithe, charitable giving remains one of the basic tenets of Christian living. Besides “passing the plate” on Sunday, the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is one of the more popular means through which members of the military have an opportunity to give.


What is the CFC?

The CFC is a government-sanctioned means of collecting charitable contributions Read more

Update: Christian Missions Aviation…in Space

On August 26th, NASA published a fairly detailed article on what the astronauts were taking up on Discovery when it finally launched last week, as well as the historical precedent that allowed astronauts to take up personal items (as noted in the previous post).

Two days after that article, American Atheists issued a press release criticizing NASA’s decision to allow Mission Specialist Patrick Forrester to take up a part of Nate Saint’s airplane.  The group said the action was a “violation of the separation of church and state,”  as well as Read more

Religious Inclusiveness Highlighted in Memorial

A Christian and former fighter pilot sent in this message about an incident on Memorial Day 2009 that highlighted the inclusive environment of religion in the US military.  The US military goes to unimaginable lengths to ensure that its troops have the maximum access to their free exercise while attempting to adhere to government restrictions.

The military can, should, and does honor its members.  Part of that honor is the inclusion of religious expression when it does so.

I am a retired light-gray Eagle Driver, and before that Phantoms, and proud of it. I’m now working as a contractor [in] Afghanistan. [Just] before Memorial Day this year (2009) our Command lost two folks to an IED.

Both happened to be Jewish. Both happened to be very committed to living their faith. 

Read more

Church “Adopts” Deployed Chaplain

It is fairly common to hear of religious groups across the spectrum of faiths contributing care packages, religious books and materials, and other resources to our troops downrange.  (Previous stories have included organizations providing support for military members practicing Judaism, Islam, and Wicca, for example.)

One church took it a step further and “adopted” a deployed Chaplain.  For Chaplain Jeff Bryan, Read more

Military Religion Question of the Day: Brooks

Like last week’s question and answer, this military religious question also comes from the Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

The MRFF frequently trumpets a “[photo] of a military regulation being violated by a service member or at a military event” in its “Captured on Camera.”  The extent of the MRFF’s most recent accusation was this:

a photo of an Army officer giving a briefing while standing in front of a Christian flag.

Maj. Gen. Vince Brooks is shown giving a briefing with a Christian flag in the background (photo below the fold): Read more

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