Navy Christian Discharged as Conscientious Objector

Ensign Michael Izbicki, a 2008 US Naval Academy graduate, previously sued the US Navy to gain status as a conscientious objector.

A Connecticut news outlet reports Izbicki has been granted an honorable discharge; he, in turn, is dropping his lawsuit.


He’s not getting out of the Navy scot-free. As part of his honorable discharge, Izbicki will have to reimburse the Navy for his education at the Naval Academy. Normally men and women attend the service academies free of charge.

Update: Also covered and with background at the Christian Post and

Via the ADF.

Star Trek Coming: Navy May Field Anti-Aircraft Lasers

FoxNews recently reported on the US Navy’s attempts to develop laser-based weapons that might be used for a variety of purposes, including ship and anti-aircraft defense.

Lasers have come a long way in the military already.  The US Air Force flys a 747 with a laser in the nose (the “Airborne Laser,” or ABL) that can shoot down ballistic missiles; it doesn’t take much to imagine what else that laser could be pointed at or used for.  A laser-equipped C-130 has engaged ground targets to mixed success, and Boeing reportedly used lasers to down small UAVs.

There is still a long way to go, though. According to the article, the development team is attempting to create a full-size prototype by 2018.

Just one question:  Will the Navy create it in time to put these laser weapons on the USS Enterprise?

F-4 Phantom Continues Air Force Service

Most people don’t realize the US Air Force still flies F-4s.  The Phantoms were well known for their anti-SAM role in Desert Storm, though they made their mark in history during Vietnam.

The 82nd Aerial Target Squadron is now using the F-4 to tow target banners for aerial gunnery practice.  Unmanned QF-4s continue to fly in a variety of other full-scale target applications.

Lacking the sleek and aerodynamic look of many other aircraft, the F-4 used to be cited as proof that with enough thrust, you can get a brick to fly.

Chaplain Hensley Receives Order of Titus

Chaplain (LtCol) Gary Hensley received the Order of Titus from US Army Chief of Chaplains MajGen Douglas Carver in early January.  As noted in the article,

A non-denominational award, the Order of Titus is unique among U.S. Army honors in that it recognizes observer-trainers rather than key leaders and staff. The award highlights “the great importance of realistic, doctrinally-guided combat ministry training in ensuring the delivery of prevailing religious support to the American Soldier.”

While he has previously been deployed to combat zones, Chaplain Hensley is currently serving as not only Chaplain to the Fort Leavenworth community, but also as an “observer-trainer” in the unit’s mission.

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog.

USAFA Prayer Luncheon on Many Faiths

A US Air Force Academy press release on its National Prayer Luncheon highlighted the “many faiths” represented at the event.  Key speaker Lt Clebe McClary spoke of his Christian faith, but he emphasized motivation, resilience, and self-worth:

Lieutenant McClary introduced his audience to a few acronyms they might not have heard of previously. Three examples included PRIDE: “Personal Responsibility in Daily Effort,” FIDO: “Forget It and Drive On,” and PATCH: “Positive Attitude that Characterizes Hope.”

“Life’s tough. You know that better than I do,” he said. “Are you going to get bitter, or are you going to get better?…”

The lieutenant also challenged people to think about Read more

Christian Leaders Call for Presidential Action on Said Musa

The story of the Afghan convert to Christianity sentenced to die for leaving Islam has picked up more steam as Christian leaders from John Piper to Rick Warren have called for action.

John Piper tweeted…”Mr. President, speak wisely and boldly, in private if necessary, for Said Musa, imprisoned in Kabul.”

On Sunday, Rick Warren, named as one of the top 20 Twitter celebrities by Forbes, brought attention to how the media has underreported Musa’s story.

“Media CLAIM to champion free speech but if they really did, they’d report these stories everyday,” Warren told his 245,653 Twitter followers.

Warren linked to an article questioning the Presidential intervention over the threat of Koran-burning in Florida, but the Read more

Group Seeks to add Monument to Arlington’s Chaplains Hill

Three monuments stand on Arlington National Cemetery’s Chaplains Hill (text).

The oldest, standing in the center and installed in 1926, memorializes by name the 23 Chaplains who lost their lives in “the World War.”

To its left, the second monument, installed in 1989, memorializes by name the Catholic Chaplains who lost their lives in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.

The final monument, raised in 1981, memorializes by name the 134 Protestant Chaplains who lost their lives in World Wars I and II.

The absence of a monument to the 13 Jewish Chaplains Read more

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