General Washington Appoints Chaplains

An interesting website over at sponsors a sort of ‘living history’ of George Washington’s life.  The “blog” on the site follows the dates of Washington’s actual correspondence on those dates more than 200 years ago.

A couple of weeks ago, it noted his order from 7 February 1776:

The Continental Congress having been pleased to order, and direct, that there shall be one Chaplain to two Regiments, and that the pay of each Chaplain shall be Thirty-three dollars and one third, pr Kalendar Month–The Revd. Abiel Leonard is appointed Chaplain to the Regiment of Artillery, under the command of Col Knox, and to the 20th. Regiment, at present commanded by Lt. Col Durkee.

Via the Army Chaplaincy blog.

Join the Navy, Become a Fighter Pilot, then Fly a Boat

In the US Air Force, aviators generally — though not always — command aviation units.  (Aviators do sometimes command non-aviation units, but even those units are often support elements to a flying mission.)

In the Navy, though, command above a certain level requires you to drive a boat.  So that’s what fighter pilots (“Naval aviators”) do.

The Navy Times notes new commands have opened up for aviators working their way up the ship command system.  Apparently, aviators often serve as second-in-command of a carrier, then command a non-carrier vessel, then return to command a carrier.

Of course, the article also notes that giving aviators these commands eliminates more slots from the Surface Warfare Officers — the guys whose actual jobs is to command the boats.

First US Air Force non-Pilot UAV Class Underway

Though it has been done under “beta” conditions in the past, the US Air Force is now conducting its first actual training class of UAV pilots who were not previously aviators.

The training is not short.  The new Lieutenants have already completed flight screening, must conduct a significant amount of T-6 simulator training, RPA basic training, and then finally to the basic qualfiication course for UAVs.  The “pipeline” is programmed as about a year.

Panel: Chaplains Already Counseling Gays, Serving Atheists

A panel discussion in Washington, DC, entitled “Current Topics Facing Today’s Military Chaplains” included Chaplains (LtCol) Carleton Birch, (LtCol) Lisa H. Tice, and (CAPT) John H. Lea of the Christian faith, Chaplain (LtCmdr) Abuhena Saifulislam of the Islamic faith, and Chaplain (Capt) Jerry Seidler of the Jewish faith.

Birch reportedly said that the DADT repeal may be fairly benign for Chaplains, given that they’ve been counseling homosexual servicemembers all along.

Army Chaplain Lt. Col. Carleton Birch said Wednesday that chaplains already have experience in counseling homosexual soldiers and will likely be able to adjust easily to an openly homosexual military.

“I’ve counseled homosexual soldiers when Read more

USS Bataan Raises Church Pennant for Burial at Sea

The USS Bataan recently conducted a burial at sea for former US Navy Sailors, some veterans from World War II.

“Raise the church pennant and lower the colors to half mast,” was spoken in a solemn and firm tone over the ship’s general announcing system. The ensign was lowered and the burial detail prepared to send their shipmates to the deep…

“Being buried at sea is meaningful,” said Bataan Chaplain Cmdr. Steven Souders. “It has tradition. So as Sailors begin to see these traditions, it begins to build that legacy in them.”

The families…will receive a ceremonial folded flag, and the shell casings from the rounds fired during the 21-gun salute. A letter from the captain, a chart listing the latitude and longitude of where the cremains were committed, and still photos of the ceremony will also be provided.

The use of a “church pennant” may be unfamiliar to most.  Under US law (4 USC 1) the Naval church pennant is the only flag or pennant which may be flown Read more

Michael Weinstein Gets More Revisionist Credit

Michael Weinstein, generally bereft of actual victories in his fight against religious freedom in the military, is often forced to take his fight to the media.  He did so again recently in The Nation, a “progressive” independent publication.

The article is essentially a fluffed up summary of Weinstein’s crusade.  (Given the fact Weinstein apparently threatens to sue newspapers that criticize him, perhaps the light-touch is understandable.)  It seems to take Weinstein’s word as gospel, and doesn’t appear to once take a critical look at his accusations.

It even starts to compare Weinstein to Jesus.

Still, the article has some interesting highlights.  After fulfilling Weinstein’s psychological need to tell everyone Read more

DADT: Repeal Plan Published, Still Some Pushback

According to the Department of Defense, Clifford Stanley, undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness, issued the plan to implement repeal of the policy known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” to the service secretaries (memo here).  The plan reportedly follows the prior implementation plan closely.  The Air Force says training will “soon begin,” while the Navy has already set its schedule.

The Air Force Times notes the training and logistical requirements of Read more

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