US Army Says Soldier “Erred” in Treatment over Christian Concert

According to various reports, a US Army Staff Sergeant marched a group of Soldiers to a voluntary Christian concert put on by BarlowGirl at Fort Eustis.  When some said they didn’t want to attend, they were marched back to their barracks and told to stay there, without access to their personal electronics and nothing to do but clean the barracks.

This was a result of a “miscommunication,” according to the Army; there was no “malicious” or even “intentional” act.

The company commander found out Read more

Michael Weinstein Known by the Company He Keeps

Michael Weinstein claims to be an advocate of religious freedom, willing to give his “last drop of blood” even for beliefs with which he disagrees.

Weinstein was recently proud to point out he had Penn Jillette, of Penn and Tiller, as a visitor at an MRFF rally.  Penn had this to say:

Fair enough.  More interesting, however, is what Jillette had to say about Christians, the very next day:  Read more

Rock Beyond Belief: Equitable Treatment, or Atheist Discrimination?

Michael Weinstein’s “religious freedom” foundation has raised a hullabaloo over the decision by organizers to cancel the atheist “counter-event” to last year’s Christian “Rock the Fort.”  Quoth the ever-eloquent Weinstein:

There is a DoD Directive which says that the Department of Defense may never provide a selective benefit for one entity and not provide the same benefit for another, and the Billy Graham Evangelical Society received a benefit that was not afforded to Rock Beyond Belief.  They have treated us horribly.

Weinstein and supporters of the “Rock Beyond Belief” event claim the “horrible” treatment is a result of being treated differently than “Rock the Fort,” or that the military “reneged” on its promise of the “same support” for RBB as RtF.  This “disparate” treatment, then, is proof the military is actually trying to promote Christianity.

Then again, Weinstein thinks everything is proof of some sort of Christian conspiracy.

The long and short of it is that there is a process by which Fort Bragg Read more

Rock Beyond Belief: The Truth Comes Out

Apparently, Michael Weinstein of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation thinks atheists need special government support to be considered “equal” with Christians.

The media has had a chance to digest the accusations the US Army post at Fort Bragg discriminated against atheists in their treatment of “Rock Beyond Belief,” and apparently interviewed those involved.

Doesn’t look good for Weinstein and his MRFF crowd.

“I think it all boils down to money,” [Col Stephen] Sicinski said Read more

Admirals Fired, Officers Censured over Enterprise Investigation

Various news reports indicate the US Navy has punished or counseled upward of 40 personnel for their roles in the creation of the videos by US Navy Captain Owen Honors, formerly commander of the USS Enterprise.  Those officers include Honors, as well as CAPT John Dixon, who replaced him as XO, and Admirals Ron Horton and Larry Rice, who were Honors’ superiors while he was XO.

Admiral Horton was fired from his position in the Pacific Fleet after the release of the investigation’s report.  For his part Honors will now have to prove he is fit to remain in the Navy.

[Admiral John] Harvey, who met with reporters…to announce the actions, also said that he recommended that Honors face a “show-cause” board that would decide whether to allow him Read more

Column: Use Predator to Take Out Gadhafi

A newspaper columnist recently suggested there was a “strong moral argument” for taking out the Libyan leader, and the MQ-1B Predator was just the tool for the job.  Columnist Richard Miniter said:

Since President Barack Obama seems comfortable killing terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan with Predator drone strikes, why not in Libya?

Ignore the political and even moral aspects of such a statement for a moment.

Such an assertion is both ignorant and asinine.

Following Operation Desert Storm, hundreds of hours of CNN Read more

Air Force Receives Last Predator

The US Air Force has accepted delivery of the last MQ-1 Predator.  This completes the purchase order created some time ago.

For all those who look forward to joining the Air Force to fly by remote control, not to worry:  Production and purchase of the Predator‘s bigger brother, the MQ-9 Reaper, is still in full swing.

This was the “last” only because newer and better UAVs are now filling the ranks.

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