US Navy Employs Ship-Mounted Laser

Similar to the US Air Force’s Airborne Laser, the US Navy recently test-fired a laser from the deck of one of its test ships, the former USS Paul Foster.

The laser, built by Northrop Grumman, successfully targeted a small boat on the open ocean with a classified range described as “miles, not yards.”

If you’re used to Star Wars and Star Trek, the video of the laser shot may be a little disappointing.  It appears the laser starts a small fire on one of the outboard motors.

US Troops Will Get Paid on Friday

DFAS, the accounting office that handles military paychecks made a point of stating US servicemembers will get their full paychecks this Friday, April 15th, after last week’s shutdown showdown created confusion.  The “cutoff” for mid-month pay was April 8th; in anticipation of a shutdown, troops’ Leave and Earnings Statements were printed with only one week of pay.

Once the shutdown was averted, DFAS announced it would distribute the second week’s pay this Friday as well, though the deposits will come in two payments.  US servicemembers are encouraged to monitor their accounts for correct transactions.

All military and reservists will receive full pay on April 15 for duty served. There will be more than one deposit into your account, but again, all payments will be deposited on April 15. Check with your bank to confirm the amount deposited into your account on the 15th.

Is “There Are No Atheists in Foxholes” Offensive?

A seemingly benign local article highlighted the roles of various National Guardsmen in their units and communities.  Speaking of Chaplain (Maj) Steven Veinotte, it said

Major Steven Veinotte of Campton has seen the truth of that old adage that there are no atheists in foxholes.

“I think that’s natural,” he said. “It’s part of human nature, when the pressure gets ratcheted up, you tend to ask God for more things.”

However, Jason Torpy’s Military Association of Atheists Read more

Father Mulcahy Visits Fort Bragg

William Christopher, the actor who played Father Mulcahy on the 1970s/80s TV show MASH, visited with wounded Soldiers at the Womack Army Medical Center at Fort Bragg, along with a couple of actual Army Chaplains:

Lt. Col. Ron Leininger and retired Lt. Col. Micheas Langston. Both expressed admiration for their television counterpart.

“Father Mulcahy represented some of the very best qualities of the Vietnam-era and present-day Army chaplains’ values,” Read more

Chaplains Bring Messages of Hope, Religious Freedom

US military Chaplains are deployed in the Horn of Africa

to establish lines of communication with local religious leaders.

Chaplain (CAPT) Jon Cutler and Chaplain (LtCol) David Terrinoni met with religious leaders and visited a Catholic orphanage.  While their main goal was to interact with the locals, the Chaplains also ministered to the needs of their own team:

“There is religious diversity here, but no synagogues, which make me glad Chaplain Cutler could visit,” said Chief Petty Officer Richard Anthonissen…

Cutler was able to serve Anthonissen in a way that only a rabbi can.

“During my last [CTFJ-HOA] tour, there were only Jewish lay-leaders available,” said Anthonissen. “While they meet your faith needs, a rabbi is much more – a rabbi is a teacher who makes you think and challenge your assumptions in a good way.”

Elsewhere, Chaplain (MajGen) Cecil Richardson, Read more

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