Happy Easter from ChristianFighterPilot.com

This Easter, celebrate the resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ, and take a moment to remember those who defend our freedoms while deployed around the world.  They, too, will celebrate His resurrection — even in small outposts in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere.  And then they’ll stand up, adjust their gear, and step out on their next mission, always at their Nation’s call.

The early morning sun drifts above the horizon during Easter sunrise services at Camp Liberty, Iraq. (Photo by Sgt. Mark Matthews)

Obama says Jesus’ Resurrection Puts Things in Perspective

At the White House Easter breakfast, President Barack Obama spoke unequivocallly of the importance of Jesus’ sacrifice and resurrection:

As busy as we are, as many tasks as pile up, during this season, we are reminded that there’s something about the resurrection — something about the resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ, that puts everything else in perspective…

We’re reminded that in that moment, he took on the sins of the world — past, present and future — and he extended to us that unfathomable gift of grace and salvation through his death and resurrection…  Read more

Tebow Statue includes Bible Verses on Eye Blacks

If being a Heisman Trophy winner wasn’t enough to give former University of Florida quarterback Tim Tebow a life-long Biblical legacy, a new statue might do it.

Tebow is now immortalized along with two other alumni Heisman winners in a 17,000 pound bronze statue.  The life-size statue is an “accurate” depiction of the new NFL player — including the sometimes-controversial “John 3:16” on his eye blacks.  The Christian Post reports the University of Florida has indicated support for the statues has been “overwhelmingly positive.”

Chaplain Prays for Soldiers’ Target Acquisition

An Army news video (below) describes the “humble chapel” of Chaplain (Capt) Bill Robinson in Jalalabad, Afghanistan.  Like many Chaplains, Robinson is a former Soldier (combat engineer), allowing him a unique connection to the men and women he serves.

The video shows Robinson offering the troops “prayer coins” which “aren’t magic charms, but they remind you that God is with you wherever you go.” The coins reference Isaiah 41:10:

So do not fear, for I am with you;
   do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
   I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Robinson prayed with the group before they departed:  Read more

USAFA Cadet Returns from Mission with New Life View

Stephan Atrice is one of about 100 Mormon (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) cadets at the Air Force Academy.  He recently returned from his 2-year mission, serving and preaching in the Caribbean and Central America.

The academy has about 100 Mormon cadets, and it allows them to leave school for a mission within their first two years. Atrice’s mission took him primarily to Puerto Rico, but he also traveled to Aruba, Curacao and the Dominican Republic.

Atrice, who once dreamed of being a football star, reportedly returned to USAFA with a different focus on life:  Read more

All-Female Flight, Female Flight Suits, and Female Fighter Pilots

According to the Air Force Times, the all-female F-15E Strike Eagle combat flight orchestrated as part of Women’s History Month “spark[ed] debate” over the issue of women in combat.  The article is largely composed of reader inputs to the Times’ calls for comment.  Most of the comments support lifting restrictions, and most (including women) also say the standards should be the same for men and women.

The ironic part of that statement is men and women aren’t currently held to the same standard; for example, in every service women have different Read more

Dismissed General McChrystal Cleared

According to the Associated Press, retired General Stanley McChrystal — former head of operations in Afghanistan, fired by President Obama over disparaging remarks reported in the Rolling Stone — has been “cleared of wrongdoing.”

The probe’s results…called into question the accuracy of the magazine’s report last June, which quoted anonymously people around McChrystal making disparaging remarks about members of President Obama’s national security team, including Vice President Joe Biden…

The Pentagon inquiry also concluded that not all of the events at issue happened as reported in the article.   Read more

Navy Chaplain’s Visit Highlights Religious Diversity

The Navy Chief of Chaplains, Chaplain (Rear Adm) Mark Tidd, recently visited the USS Carl Vinson and its support vessels.  The Navy article recounts some highlights, but also has an interesting quote from the strike group’s command Chaplain:

“On board Vinson, we have about 15 different faith groups represented, and we are committed to this diversity,” said [command Chaplain (Cmdr) Keith Shuley]. “He comes from a Christian background, and Read more

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