Judge Rules Government Cannot Control Prayer…Twice

Many have now heard of the Texas High School graduation that received a court-ordered ban on prayer, including the specific words “amen, invocation,” and the like.  U.S. District Judge Fred Biery had ruled against the Medina Valley Independent School District in a lawsuit brought by the Schultz family.  Biery had determined they would “suffer irreparable harm” if they heard to a prayer at the ceremony.  The ruling was appealed, overturned, and the graduation went on as a celebration of freedom of speech and religion.

That wasn’t the first controversial ruling on prayer in Texas.

In a ruling that was largely under the radar, Texas Judge Lynn N. Hughes said the Department of Veteran’s Affairs could not control the content of an invited Pastor’s prayer.  The Reverend Scott Rainey, pastor at Living Word Church of the Nazerene, had been invited to give an invocation at a Memorial Day event, and was asked to provide Read more

Fired Enterprise CO Seeks Support

The Navy Times notes US Navy CAPT Owen Honors, relieved of his command of the carrier USS Enterprise, has started a website requesting statements of support.

The site indicates he will face a board of inquiry to determine his future in the Navy — or under what circumstances he will leave the service.

On a related note, and without a hint of irony, the Washington Times published an article noting the US Navy has become “too politically correct for ‘old salts’.”  Of course, it also makes reference to a recent patch circulating among the “young” salts after Read more

Gates Tells Marines They Can’t Resign over DADT

In an unusual display of public candor (given the current environment on opposition to DADT repeal), a US Marine directly asked Secretary of Defense Robert Gates if those with moral opposition to homosexuality could resign:

“Sir, we joined the Marine Corps because the Marine Corps has a set of standards and values that is better than that of the civilian sector. And we have gone and changed those values and repealed the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy,” the sergeant told Gates during the question and answer session.

“We have not given the Marines a chance to decide whether they wish to continue serving under that. Is there going to be an option for those Marines that no longer wish to serve due to the fact their moral values have not changed?” he asked.

Despite Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen’s prior statements that those who disagreed could vote with their feet, Gates had a fairly blunt answer to the enlisted Marine:  Read more

US Military’s First Hindu Chaplain

A Stars and Stripes article indicates US Army Chaplain (Capt) Pratima Dharm has become the first US military Hindu Chaplain.  Dharm is a Chaplain at Walter Reed Army Medical Center.

Dharm did not enter as a Hindu Chaplain — she has simply changed endorsers.  She was originally endorsed by the Pentecostal Church of God, but is now sent by Chinmaya Mission West.  (In 2007 an Army Chaplain previously tried to convert to Wicca, but was discharged after he lost his endorsement and was unable to find an approved Wiccan endorsing agency.) 

The article is unofficial, and doesn’t indicate what insignia Dharm now wears (only that she wore the Christian cross “until this year”).  There is no official Hindu Chaplain emblem (at least not publicly), and public images still show Dharm wearing the cross.

Think someone will spin this as evidence of a Christian takeover of the military?

US Army Atheists Demand Atheist Bible School

Atheists at Fort Bragg are crying foul at the military chapel congregations hosting Vacation Bible School.

Because apparently military Christians and their families can’t attend VBS.

Ironically, the atheists apparently don’t know what VBS actually is, claiming the US government is “funding a religious summer camp.”  Though understandable for those who don’t share a faith system, its generally advisable to at least figure out what something is before mocking it and calling it improper.

In the same vein, they took issue with the Chaplains office advertising VBS through Fort Bragg’s Public Affairs and email, despite the fact such a message was entirely consistent with the role of the Chaplaincy.  They just didn’t like it.  The offensive message:

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will be held at Gordon Elementary Read more

Airman Discharged Under DADT, Groups Protest, But…

The Associated Press reported the US Air Force discharged an “Airman” under the current law prohibiting homosexuals from serving in the military, most commonly known as “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”  The homosexual advocacy group Servicemembers Legal Defense Network was obviously disturbed:

Aubrey Sarvis of the advocacy group [SLDN] said the discharge underscores the need for officials to wrap up the repeal process “and put this ugly chapter in American history behind us.”

Sarvis apparently failed to at least consider how the Air Force characterized the discharge, emphasis added:  Read more

Michael Weinstein Threatens to Sue USAFA. Again.

It should take no one by surprise to hear Michael Weinstein say he plans to sue the US Air Force Academy.  His latest:

Weinstein…said [his] organization will bring suit against the academy for the latest survey under a statute that permits citizens to sue on behalf of the government for waste and fraud.

Weinstein said MRFF will demand the removal of the academy’s superintendent, dean and commandant over the Gamble survey.

The “survey” referenced was the assessment by retired General Gamble.  In his typical method of “ready, fire, aim,” Weinstein seems to willfully ignore Read more

US Marines Share Faith Together

Each Tuesday morning a group of Marines meets at Camp Pendleton’s Del Mar mess hall to discuss a book chapter applying their faith to their lives.  The informal group is an excellent example of military members simply choosing to meet, encourage and challenge each other, and fellowship together with those of like mind.

The group is made up of all ranks, including a Master Gunnery Sgt and a Colonel.

Master Gunnery Sgt. Isaac T. Black…[said] “Wanting to study something with a spiritual aspect is what brought us together.”

Currently the group is studying the book Read more

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