Accused Fort Hood Shooter Faces Death Penalty

Update:  An article at the Army Times documents the “challenges” of Hasan’s defense team, given the weight of evidence against him.

US Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan, currently charged with murder for the massacre at Fort Hood nearly two years ago, will face the possibility of the death penalty when his case goes to trial.  From the official DoD release:

Fort Hood Commander Army Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr. will refer the capital murder case against Army Maj. Nidal M. Hasan to a general court-martial for trial, officials at Fort Hood, Texas, said today…

The court-martial in the Hasan case is authorized to consider death Read more

MRFF, Atheists Go After Military Easter. Again.

This site previously noted the lack of original thought on the part of some activist atheists.

Now, in response to Easter, they want, well, an atheist counter-celebration of Christ’s resurrection, apparently.

Last year this site noted that Michael Weinstein’s research assistant Chris Rodda held up for derision the military Christian celebrations of Easter in the combat theatre. Despite the criticism by Rodda and Weinstein’s organization, which oddly includes “military religious freedom” in its name, the celebration of religious holy days in the combat area is perhaps one of the most explicit examples of religious freedom in the US military.

This year, the MRFF continued its attacks Read more

US Marine Pilots-to-be Lead in Afghanistan

Due to training timelines, it is not uncommon for new officers to wait up to a year or more for their pilot training course to begin.  Sometimes these officers are given other opportunities like the chance to obtain a Masters Degree or attend another professional course.  In other instances, they are held in an “awaiting pilot training” status, filling a sometimes menial position in another unit.

Thirteen new Marines took another path:

Instead, 13 active-duty lieutenants commissioned with aviation contracts are on the ground in Afghanistan, Read more

Happy Independence Day 2011

Today we celebrate the 235th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, the document that set into motion the creation of the United States of America.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness…

We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States…

The Declaration was signed by 56 men, including Read more

Muslim Marine Charged with Firing on Pentagon, Military Bldgs

Yonathan Melaku, a Marine Corps reservist, has been arrested and connected to a string of shootings at military buildings in the DC area:

Federal prosecutors said…they found bomb-making materials in Melaku’s backpack and later, inside his home, found a typewritten list of potential bomb components.

Investigators also found a video he took of himself firing shots outside the National Museum of the Marine Corps last fall and repeatedly saying the Arabic words “Allahu Akbar,” which Read more

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