US and UK Military Religion in Afghanistan

An interesting set of articles in the UK Guardian notes the role of religion in the military in Afghanistan.  The articles were written by Riazat Butt, who is reportedly traveling through Afghanistan with Army Chaplains.

The tone of her first article, from the British outpost at Camp Bastion, implies that the majority of British servicemembers eschew religion except for the rituals associated with the loss of a comrade.

Last Wednesday evening, thousands of troops gathered to remember Lt Daniel John Clack…in a 30-minute ceremony that wove together Christian and military liturgy. For many in attendance, the vigils will be their only regular exposure to religion whether on deployment or in Civvy Street.

The memorial monument bears a shining cross made from expended shell casings.

British Sergeant Ryan Coleman described the attitude this way:  Read more

Commercial Pilot Jobs to Takeoff?

The US military pays certain career fields “bonuses” and other incentive pays for a fairly simple reason:  to keep people in the military who would otherwise make far more money outside of it.  Some have complained, then, when the economy turns:  For example, when the airline industry took a dive, some questioned what reason there could be for giving military pilots incentive pay.

The Air Force Times claims the “commercial pilot job market” is now set “for a boom,” however.

After nearly a four-year drought of openings, airlines are predicting they will hire more pilots in the next decade than they ever have. Aircraft maker Boeing forecasts a need for 466,650 more commercial pilots by 2029 — an average of 23,300 a year.

They also noted that changes in the Air Force culture may affect Read more

Retired Chaplain Says “G-O-D is Bigger than D-O-D”

Chaplain (Col) Ron Crews (US Army, Retired) is heading up the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty,

a group that wants to protect evangelical chaplains from the dangers created by the government’s decision to force open homosexual behavior on the armed forces.

He recently noted that some Chaplain endorsers have indicated they will not only endorse homosexual Chaplains, but they already have homosexual Chaplains who Read more

Military Atheists Miss the Mark with Chaplain “Humor”

US Army Sergeant Justin Griffith has recently been named the “military director” of American Atheists, the group founded by Madalyn Murray O’Hair (the famous atheist who tried to take on NASA).

He proudly announced that his “first act” was to arm his “fellow foxhole atheists” with “humor” to fight the “condescending theist” statement “there are no atheists in foxholes.” To wit (formatting original):

Technically, there really are no Chaplains in foxholes (in the US military.) They are designated ‘non combatants’, are not assigned a weapon, and are not supposed to be on the front lines of a battlefield. If they somehow stumbled into a foxhole, it would cease being a fighting position. It would simply be a hole…

In the hopes of this becoming a meme that eventually kills the offensive statement altogether, I pass it on to you. I encourage all of my fellow service members to use it. Use it respectfully, but fearlessly. You are right. They are wrong.

Unfortunately, Griffith is wrong, and his attempt at wit falls flat.  A foxhole is not defined by whether or not a Chaplain is in it any more than a war is defined by the location of its front lines.  (Ask the Soldiers in Humvees and MRAPs with Chaplains onboard if they think their vehicle is still for “fighting.”)  He ignores the fact the US military does “[assign] a weapon” to Chaplains — it’s in the hands of the Chaplain’s assistant, standing right next to him, charged with protecting the Chaplain with lethal force.

Griffith also grossly misstates facts when he says Read more

Prayer Brunch Marks Army Transfer of Authority

Soldiers, leaders, and Chaplains from two Army units met for a Sunday morning prayer brunch in Iraq

to celebrate the completion of…transferring operations…and to ask for God’s blessing in the journeys ahead for each unit.

The brunch also served as a reminder of the “comprehensive fitness” the Army considers essential, even before a crisis.  Chaplain (Maj) Brian Seidel said

The spiritual component of [a Soldier’s] total fitness is often undervalued till crisis. Sometimes we don’t appreciate the significance of spiritual fitness till we desperately need it. But we need it for all of life, the good and the bad.

US Army Soldier Practices Faith, Keeps His Duties

A US Army article highlights the faith and work ethic of PFC Ajmal Zada, an adherent of Islam who is observing Ramadan while still supporting his combat unit in Iraq.

Zada notes he joined the Army with trepidation over how his religious beliefs would be accepted:

“When I first joined the military, I was scared that I was not going to be allowed to practice my religion,” Zada explained, describing his initial fear of enlisting. “But my chain of command and the chaplains have all been very helpful and supportive, and I have had no problems.”

Not only has the US Army been supportive of Zada’s religious freedom, his Read more

Marines Told to Avoid Talking God, Farting in Afghanistan

A writer for the Marine Corps Times bemoans the topic of “farts” in a recent article.

So here’s the news:  audible farting has been banned for some Marines downrange because it offends the Afghans…

Of course, that’s not the only cultural guidance they get:

They’re not supposed to cuss because it could be misunderstood (that one goes out the window a lot). And they stay away from talking about politics, religion or girls because those Read more

Spirit of Fort Hood Warrior and Family Chapel Campus Opens

As previously noted, Fort Hood has opened the first phase of a 7 year, $27 million dollar effort to support the spiritual and resilience needs of US Army Soldiers.  The campus will provide the largest facility in the US Army with the ability to serve the largest Army population in the service.

Chief of Chaplains Chaplain (Maj. Gen.) Don Rutherford joined III Corps and Fort Hood Commanding General Lt. Gen. Don Campbell Jr., III Corps and Fort Hood Command Sgt. Major Arthur L. Coleman Jr., Fort Hood chaplains and members from the community for the dedication ceremony, which officially opened The Spirit of Fort Hood Warrior and Family Chapel Campus.

Chaplain Rutherford praised the Army’s support of the Chaplaincy, which supports Army Soldiers.

“This campus is the latest Read more

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