No Homosexual “Marriages” at West Point Chapel

While homosexual ceremonies may be permissible on military institutions according to the Pentagon, it appears that ruling may not extend to the Catholic chapel at West Point.

Taylor Henry, spokesman for Archbishop Timothy Broglio — who oversees all Catholic chaplains in the US military — said

the Holy Trinity chapel at the famous military school is a Catholic parish, unlike the non-denominational chapels that are found on other military installations, and that the only services held there are Catholic services.

Since the Roman Catholic Church “does not perform the sacrament of matrimony for same-sex couples,” no such ceremonies will take place at that institution, Henry said.

In addition, consistent with the military’s message on the matter, Henry explicitly said no Catholic chaplain would be performing similar ceremonies of “unions between individuals of the same gender resembling marriage.”

Broglio also noted what some are saying is an inconsistency between the military’s recent policy and the Defense of Marriage Act:  Read more

Pilot Ditches Cessna 310 Just Short of Hawaii

If you ditch your plane 13 miles short of the Hawaiian Big Island, does the Coast Guard rescue swimmer still give you a lei?

Charles Mellor was reportedly ferrying a twin-engine Cessna 310 to Hawaii; he was 500 miles out when he contacted the FAA and told them he wasn’t going to make it.

The man was flying for delivery a Cessna 310 twin-engine aircraft from Monterey, California, to Hilo when he radioed federal aviation authorities that he was 500 miles out and low on fuel, Read more

US Military Deploys “Rabbinical Surge” into Afghanistan

As noted previously, the US military has four Jewish Chaplains in Afghanistan to help US servicemembers celebrate the Jewish High Holy days; in fact, three of the chaplains are in country temporarily solely for that reason.

Four rabbis – roughly 15 percent of the military’s Jewish chaplaincy – are visiting Afghanistan, including several remote military installations, to help troops and civilian employees mark the High Holidays through Oct. 21.

The four are Army Chaplains (LtCol) Laurence Bazer, (Col) Jacob Goldstein, (LtCol) Avi Weiss, and (Navy Lt) Josh Sherwin. Chaplain Bazer noted the significance of the Jewish presence in the predominantly Islamic country:  Read more

US Drones Reportedly Infected by Computer Virus

One of the “advantages” of unmanned aerial vehicles is the removal of the human element from much of the operation.  In theory, its inability to get tired, make mistakes, or act with emotion may make a UAV a “better” system.  In theory.

While the UAV may not be able to get “sick,” it is apparently still vulnerable to computer viruses, as public reports indicate has occurred to both MQ-9s and MQ-1s (which are essentially the same UAV).  To be fair, that was likely a result of the “human element,” but the fact remains that UAVs are not always the panacea some may think they are.

Chaplain Joins In on Life on the Front Lines

British Army Chaplain Stephen Hancock has an interesting article at the UK Ministry of Defense website on “life on the front line.”  While the article is interesting on the whole, Chaplain Hancock’s underlying premise of service is worth highlighting:

I really believe in visibility, that a chaplain should be seen walking around talking to anybody and everybody. By doing that you build relationships and soldiers and officers will trust you. If you’re invisible you have no Read more

Future US Air Force to Have Fewer Fighter Pilots

Stars and Stripes says the US Air Force is looking at a new paradigm in demographics for the coming years:  fewer fighter pilots.  The reduction is attributable to several causes:

U.S. Air Force officials say the number of fighter pilots is likely to decline in coming years, due in part to fewer aircraft and training opportunities, fighter pilots increasingly assigned to non-flying jobs and the lure of lucrative jobs in commercial aviation.

Ultimately, however, it boils down to a reduction in fighter aircraft, which naturally means few fighter pilots (at least in fighter cockpits):  Read more

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