Who Ended the Iraq War in December 2011?

President Obama has indicated he fulfilled a campaign promise when he brought the war in Iraq to a “responsible” end.  But who really ended the war?

As summarized by the Congressional Research Service [emphasis added],

On November 17, 2008, after months of negotiations, [the US and Iraq] signed the Agreement Between the United States of America and Republic of Iraq On the Withdrawal of United States Forces from Iraq and the Organization of Their Activities during Their Temporary Presence in Iraq.

The agreement required two specific things:  Read more

Afghan, American Chaplains Discuss Evolving Partnership

A DoD news release describes visits between US military chaplains and what are apparently their Afghan equivalents: “religious and cultural advisors” in the Afghan Army.

The article chose an interesting contrast in highlighting the roles each nation’s “chaplains” filled.

From the Americans:

To demonstrate how the chaplains nurture the living, [Chaplain (Maj) Brian] Curry and his team showed the Afghan RCAs a coffee shop that was built and is operated by the religious support teams…It provides a place for Soldiers to take a break from their work, watch movies, read books, play games, or use computers or phones to talk to their families in the United States.

From the Afghans:  Read more

Weinstein Targets Travis AFB Nativity, Menorah

[Update: In a brilliant move, Travis AFB is inviting the local press to come see the “holiday” display today.  Officials also indicated the issue was being elevated, since, as noted below, Travis is far from the only military facility to have religious displays during Hanukkah and Christmas.]

Michael Weinstein, the single paid officer of his personally-founded charitable “foundation,” has threatened Travis Air Force Base with legal action.

Because they put up a nativity scene and a Menorah.

In case you hadn’t noticed, it is approaching Christmas and Hanukkah.  It is traditional during this time of year for military bases around the world to light Christmas trees, have visits from Santa (he arrives by plane), erect nativities and Menorahs, and sponsor what is often known as a “holiday card lane.”  This confluence of events is an acknowledgement of the celebrations in which a vast majority of military members — and American citizens — partake.

The issue of “holiday” trees has already been discussed.  Though the legal letter fails to mention it, the nativity and Menorah at issue are part of the Holiday Card Lane at Travis AFB.  Traditionally, Air Force bases allow units, individuals, and organizations to create “holiday cards,” often out of 4×8 sheets of plywood.  There may or may not be other criteria in place, like whether or not the cards can have lights or need to be fastened down to the ground. These cards are lined up along an avenue of the base.  Sometimes, they are judged in contests or inaugurated simultaneously with the tree-lighting (as were the ones at Travis).

The only thing Weinstein takes issue with, however, is the nativity and Menorah. Why?  The letter from Jones Day, written by attorney Katherine Ritchey, interestingly never mentions Weinstein by name.  It says  Read more

USAFA Cadets YouTube Video Gets Official Air Force Response

The official USAFA Twitter feed was alerted to the presence of US Air Force Academy cadets from CS-38 parodying cadet life the song “Sexy and I Know It” on YouTube.  Their response was fairly strongly worded:

We’ve seen it, and we’ve notified their commanders. Their conduct is unbecoming of future Air Force officers.

If Public Affairs was reporting the official position that their “conduct is unbecoming,” that’s one thing.  But their statement that they’d only then notified their commanders indicated it was a personal judgment, not an official position.  Other surprised Read more

Is Instinct A Pilot’s Enemy?

A New York Times article on recent mishaps posits that instinctive reactions to pending emergencies may actually make the problem worse.  After noting the memorable feeling of stalling an aircraft:

What is harder to remember, in the heat of the moment, is the proper way to regain control of the aircraft…

“You have to overcome what your instinct tells you to do,” said Mr. [Jean-Pierre] Otelli, whose book “Pilot Errors, Volume 5” was the first to publish the unedited transcript of the Flight 447 cockpit voice recordings.

For the hundreds of pilots Read more

Chaplain to General Petraeus on His Ultimate Hero

US Army Chaplain (Col) Brent Causey was recently a lead chaplain in Afghanistan, responsible not only for other chaplains, but also “religious leader engagement” in the region:

[Chaplain] Causey was as the top chaplain to Petraeus as well as the chaplains’ supervisor throughout the Afghanistan war theater. He also was Petraeus’ “point man” for diversity, responsible for religious leader engagement in the Islamic nation.

Chaplain Causey spoke highly of the importance of the role of the “chaplains on the front lines:”

“It’s amazing to see the impact our evangelical Christian chaplains –- especially the Southern Baptist chaplains -– are having Read more

Article: USAFA “Dogged” by Michael Weinstein

An unusually pointed article from the Baptist Press summarizes some of the recent events at the US Air Force Academy — and minces few words on the cause of “anti-Christian pressure” at USAFA:

Recent actions by the U.S. Air Force Academy could appear as if commanders are on a mission to rid the institution of Christian influence, but a nearby pastor says the actions are the result of intense pressure from one man…

Mike Routt, pastor of Circle Drive Baptist Church in Colorado Springs, Colo., told Baptist Press the hostility toward Christianity at the Air Force Academy is not the result of the leadership there but is in response to pressure from Mikey Weinstein of Read more

Congressman Hunter Defends Camp Pendleton Cross

US Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) sent a letter to Camp Pendleton’s commanding officer Colonel Nicholas Marano indicating his support for allowing the now-controversial memorial cross to remain standing in order to honor four US Marines who fell in Iraq:

Majs. Douglas Zembiec and Ramon Mendoza, and Lance Cpls. Robert Zurheide and Aaron Austin..

What makes Hunter’s call unique, besides his status as a member of Congress?

He was there.  Read more

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