Chaplains Applaud Travis AFB Nativity, Menorah Defense

The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, led by Chaplain (Col, USA, Ret) Ron Crews, “commended” the Air Force for its decision to allow the nativity and Menorah to stand, despite complaints and threats from Michael Weinstein.

“Our military personnel should not be coerced to abandon their religious heritage simply to appease someone’s political agenda,” said CH (COL) Ron Crews…

Chaplain Crews noted that Weinstein seems to have an unusual access to military leadership for a one-man ‘non-profit’ and called for a Congressional Read more

Family Relatives Sue for $56M in F-18 Crash

The extended members of four members of a family who were killed in the 2008 crash of an F/A-18 Hornet into their San Diego home are reportedly suing the Marine Corps for $56 million.

Don Yoon lost his 36-year-old wife, Youngmi Lee Yoon; his 15-month-old daughter, Grace; his 2-month-old daughter, Rachel; and his 59-year-old mother-in-law, Seokim Kim Lee, who was visiting from Korea to help her eldest daughter take care of their children.

As noted at the time, the accident represented Read more

Military Atheists Now Target Fort Campbell Nativity, Menorah

Though they failed to get Travis AFB to remove its nativity and what they called a “token” Jewish Menorah, military atheists led by Justin Griffith have now set their sights on Fort Campbell, one of the largest US Army bases in the United States.  Fort Campbell has a Menorah and nativity at the sign near one of its entry gates.  (Don’t tell anyone, but there’s also a prominent star at the top of the post Christmas tree…)

It reads like “Welcome to Fort Campbell, where you better love Jesus…”

[Fort Campbell] need[s] to either remove the display, or at the very least let all the other points of view have an equal level of support.

How a Menorah says “you better love Jesus” is unclear, though the atheists’ (repeat) belittling of the Jewish display of faith is eclipsed only by their obsessive need to attach themselves to Christianity.

The situation is not the same as Travis AFB, though.  For one thing, Read more

Native Americans on Warrior Spirit in US Military

A group of Native Americans recently spoke at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC.

Joseph Medicine Crow, a 96-year-old World War II veteran who was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2009 by President Barack Obama, is the grandson of White Man Runs Him, one of Custer’s Crow scouts.

The men spoke not only of their contributions to the US military, but also the importance of Native American spirituality, even within the military:  Read more

Wikileaks Hearings Start, Military Punishes Superiors

The Article 32 hearing which will determine the future course of a trial against imprisoned US Army PFC Bradley Manning — accused of releasing classified documents — recently began, about 18 months after he was initially arrested.  Manning faces life in prison.

Defense lawyer David Coombs, reportedly known for his “unique” defense strategies, has already tried and failed in its attempt to have the military judge replaced.  He also had many witnesses denied; he was supposedly going to question the Read more

Weinstein Continues Protest of Travis AFB Nativity, Menorah

Michael Weinstein’s lawyers wrote a response to the Travis AFB decision to allow the nativity and Menorah to remain where they are.  The letter, dated 19 December, demands a response the same day. Otherwise, the content is little different from their initial error-filled complaint.

Still, the letter closed with this ominous threat:

If this request is not honored by the close of business Read more

Defense Bill May Garner Chaplain Medal of Honor

Everyone already knows versions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 remove the prohibitions on sodomy and bestiality (since reinstated), have amendments on homosexual marriage, and redefine rape.  It’s also known President Obama originally vowed to veto it over language on detainee treatment.

In yet another section of the now-passed bill, an amendment by Senators Pat Roberts and Jerry Moran of Kansas successfully inserted language that would award the Medal of Honor to Chaplain (Capt) Emil Kapaun. (The House version had an identical amendment by Rep. Mike Pompeo.)  Chaplain Kapaun is famous for Read more

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