Gay Pride Events Held at Military Academies

It isn’t the first time homosexual groups have gathered together to celebrate their…sexuality?…on a military base, but the novelty of their fellowship at US military academies seems to make it newsworthy.  CNN begins it article with factual inaccuracies:

For nearly 17 years, gay and lesbian soldiers were expected to deny their sexuality under threat of dismissal as part of “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Actually, for “nearly” 200 years, homosexuals were expected not to violate the law Read more

Fort Bragg Hosts Uneventful Atheist Festival

Fort Bragg’s Rock Beyond Belief passed quietly last Saturday.  While organizers had predicted a crowd of 5,000, Richard Dawkins, the main draw of the event whose “sell out” crowds were the justification for the attendance forecast, ultimately spoke to only “a couple hundred” spectators.  Photos of the event show Aiden, the musical act originally billed as Dawkins’ lead-in, playing to only a few dozen who had stuck out the day.  It also appeared the military base was hosting a largely civilian crowd.

Rain early in the day may have affected attendance, much as the heat affected the Christian Rock the Fort the atheist event was meant to protest.  Rock the Fort reportedly drew 3,000 to 4,000 of the forecast 10,000 (and the atheists had been quick to mock the attendance numbers of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association event).

Interestingly, Col Sicinski was on site of the event and indicated the event wasn’t the controversy it may have been made out to be:  Read more

USAFA Unveils $3.6M Artificial Turf Airfield

The US Air Force Academy recently opened its artificial turf glider landing strip, which may be one of the largest turf fields in the world.  The 1.35 million square feet is

the equivalent of about 23 NFL football fields or 16 MLS soccer fields.

For the past 50 years or so, gliders had been forced to land on the grass, which was “too bumpy.”

To be fair, the marked landing zones will help student pilots Read more

Rep Hunter Defends Marine Facing Discharge over Facebook

US Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA), himself a Reserve Marine, has come to the defense of SGT Gary Stein, a Marine who faces an administrative discharge for comments he posted online.

Sgt Stein reportedly posted comments saying he would not obey the orders of the President, and he later clarified his statement to say he would not obey unlawful orders from the President.

This Saturday Stein faces a panel that will determine if he should be administratively separated from the Marines:  Read more

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