Faith in the Face of Tragedy: Sioux City, 1989

The Peterson AFB chapel recently hosted its annual National Prayer Luncheon to “honor [the] freedom” of religion guaranteed by the US Constitution.  Their guest speaker was Jerry Schemmel, a survivor of the crash of United Airlines Flight 232.  UA 232 is famous for its crash landing in Sioux City, Iowa, after it lost all hydraulics and the pilots (including a non-crew member pilot from the passenger deck) managed to “land” the crippled aircraft using only differential thrust.

While 184 passengers and crew survived, 112 were killed.  Schemmel was warned Read more

The Wisdom of Atheist Midshipmen

Kate Donovan posted text from interviews she conducted with atheists at the US Naval Academy as part of a series on atheists in the US military academies.  The text is interesting as an overview of the midshipmen’s group, but what is fascinating is the mature perspective from some of the mids:

…the paperwork process is slow for all groups, regardless of whether people like our group or not…

…Although our group has not been “official” for this past year — it was due to the fact that all prospective ECA’s must submit paperwork for official review every year in April — no other opportunities are afforded, our group included.

We can host events, but just have to go through the same bureaucracy as everyone else on that…

The theme is consistent:  The mids recognize they are subject to Read more

USAFA Graduates First Open Homosexuals

An ABCNews article noted the US Air Force Academy recently graduated its “first openly gay cadets,” though it might have misspoken when it did so:

The LGBT students couldn’t be picked out of the crowd of white and blue. But gay and lesbian advocates, academy alums, school officials and current students said they were there…

[Trish] Heller said her group had connected with at least four members of the class of 2012 receiving diplomas today who had come out Read more

Here I am, Lord: The Bible as Literature and the US Air Force

A US Army article previously described an effort to help the Afghans by “turning swords into plowshares,” a potentially inadvertent reference to Isaiah 2:4.  While the text of the Bible is not as well-known as it may have once been, it is interesting to see where the American culture makes (even unknowing) Biblical references.

The US Air Force leadership did it recently, too, in their annual Memorial Day message.  Secretary of the Air Force Michael Donley and Air Force Chief of Staff Gen Norton Schwartz wrote:  Read more

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