Military Homosexual Ceremony Prompts Chaplain Clarification

The endorsing agent for Southern Baptist chaplains in the US military recently reiterated its stance against recognition of homosexual unions.  The impetus was the AP article on the McGuire AFB “civil union” event attended by Southern Baptist Chaplain (Col) Timothy Wagoner.

Retired US Army Chaplain (MajGen) Douglas Carver — former chief of all Army chaplains — is the executive director of the North American Mission Board, which endorses Southern Baptist chaplains in the US military:

“When the AP story first came out, we contacted Chaplain Wagoner and he assured us he was either misinterpreted or quoted out of context in the story,” Carver said.

Chaplain Wagoner “strongly refutes” the story that implies Read more

Army to End NASCAR Sponsorship

The US Army has announced it will end its decade-long NASCAR sponsorship after this year.  The move has been praised by Betty McCollum (D-Minn), who has put forward amendments for at least two years attempting to strip the military’s ability to sponsor professional sports.  For its part, the military generally considers such exposure good for recruiting.  For the record, the Army will still be sponsoring a car in the National Hot Rod Association.

In his tradition of revising history, Michael Weinstein will likely claim this as a victory in his organization’s efforts to keep religious faith out of the military — not that Weinstein’s position has ever been consistent.

Fighter Pilots and the Love of a Clanging Symbol

An OCF article notes the likely common experience of Eric Creekmore, a former US Marine Major and F/A-18 Hornet pilot, as he tried to ‘do the Christian thing’ and point out a fellow pilot’s sin to him:

A squadron buddy in the process of getting a divorce had just finished telling me of a weekend with his new girlfriend. Technically, he was still married — the papers weren’t yet signed. Trying to be the “good” Christian, I saw this as my opportunity to point out his transgression. After a brief treatise on fidelity and marriage, I punctuated my comments by calling him, “Mr. Immorality.”  That would make clear the error of his ways and with any luck I would soon be leading him in the sinner’s prayer.

I eased back in my office chair with a sense of pride at my work for the cause of Christ. Looking for additional opportunities to “help,” I asked why he was getting a divorce in the first place…

It turns out the situation wasn’t quite as Creekmore imagined, and his arrogant self-righteousness was soon replaced with sorrow.  His attitude, however, Read more

There’s a Busload of Nuns on the Runway

During every pilots’ recurring Emergency Procedures evaluation (whether in a simulator or in a table-top with an instructor), there comes a point where the evaluator needs to make the pilot “go around,” or wave off the landing, in order to observe the required “single-engine go around” or equivalent emergency go-around.  This might take an extreme situation, because a pilot in an emergency would have wide latitude to land even if, for example, the control tower told him not to.

Unless, of course, there’s a busload of nuns on the runway.  It never fails,  Read more

Congressman Calls for Investigation of Radicalized Christians

US House Rep Peter King (R-NY) recently held more hearings on “radical Islam,” to which Rep Al Green (D-Tx) wondered out loud why there weren’t hearings on “radical Christianity.”

“I do not, not — N-O-T — oppose hearings on radicalization. I do oppose hearings that don’t focus on the entirety of radicalization.

And if you agree that we have Christians…who become radicalized…why not have a hearing on the radicalization of Christians?”

He further explained:  Read more

More than 100 Islamic Insider Threats to US Military Investigated

According to an NPR report repeated at the Stars and Stripes, the FBI has investigated more than 100 suspected Islamic extremists “within the US military community:”

About a dozen of the cases were considered serious, according to the report…

The suspects were those who allegedly demonstrated a strong intent to attack military targets…
Officials said the suspects could be active and reserve military Read more

American Atheists on Patriotism and Religious Belief

The non-profit “charitable” group American Atheists, which counts Justin Griffith as its “military director” and helped sponsor the counter-Christian event at Fort Bragg, recently hired an airplane to tow a banner around New York City proclaiming that “Atheism is Patriotic.”

By contrast, this is what their president, Dave Silverman, had to say about others:

Religion is unpatriotic at its core…

At least we know how American Atheists feels about the vast majority of the country, including the members of the US military who are “unpatriotic” because they adhere to a “religion.”  Classy.  And “patriotic,” apparently.

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