Chick-fil-A on being a Missionary in the Workplace

Lost in the recent “scandal” over the revelations that family-run Chick-fil-A supports marriage (shocking, isn’t it?) were the other words of President and CEO Dan Cathy.  Cathy expects that Christians will be missionaries to the world wherever they are:

Cathy believes strongly that Christians are missionaries in the workplace. “Jesus had a lot of things to say about people who work and live in the business community,” he said

While representatives of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation will claim this is “code speak” for Christians taking over the world, this is how Cathy explained Read more

Michael Weinstein Makes Today in Jewish History

Mitchell Levin writes a daily “This Day in Jewish History” that is carried a few places on the internet.  At the Jewish CJN, the July 16 edition of Levin’s piece featured none other than Michael Weinstein.  This is how Levin — who appears to have no stake or hidden agenda — portrays Weinstein:

2006: In an article entitled “Marching as to War,” The Washington Post reported on the efforts of Mikey Weinstein, graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy and the father of an academy graduate, to stop the missionary work of Christian ministers at the Air Force Academy.  In particular he is targeting the Officer’s Christian Fellowship who says its goal is a “spiritually transformed military with ambassadors for Christ in in uniform, empowered by the Holy Spirit.”

The Washington Post article was largely friendly to Weinstein.  According to Levin’s summary, though, Weinstein’s purpose is opposition to Read more

C-17 Makes Unscheduled Landing at Wrong Airport

Single seat fighter pilots are individually responsible for every action they take with their aircraft.  They have no co-pilot, so everyone — even the youngest Lieutenant fighter pilot — is qualified to make the calls necessary to safely fly their aircraft.

For that reason, fighter pilots sometimes joke that heavy aircraft are “flown by committee,” since every action is a “team” effort among pilot, co-pilot, navigator, flight engineer, loadmaster, flight attendant, etc.  Still, oftentimes passengers’ lives are at stake and valuable cargo is on board, so perhaps redundancy is called for.

On that note, it seems a certain C-17 team made a poor decision:

A huge military plane from New Jersey may have mistaken the tiny runway at Peter O’ Knight airport for the runway at MacDill Air Force Base…

While the aircraft was from McGuire, some news reports indicated the mission Read more

Color Guard Violates Military Regulations in Gay Pride Parade

According to the Colorado Springs Gazette, a color guard of military veterans in their dress uniforms led the city’s homosexual pride parade on Sunday — an act that violates Department of Defense regulations.  Previously, the Gazette said

A color guard of veterans clad in military dress uniform plans to lead the Colorado Springs Pride Parade on Sunday, in what is believed to be the first time past or present service members will Read more

Military Uniforms Highlight San Diego Homosexual Parade

The San Diego homosexual “pride” parade became the latest event at which US military uniforms were used to proudly exclaim the fact a group of people liked having sex with people of their own gender.

As with other events, there was an undercurrent of disagreement with the frequent statements that homosexuality is a non-issue in the US military.  For example:

Gay service members say obstacles remain, largely from other people’s strong personal views against homosexuality or their discomfort around the subject…

While news articles on the topic are Read more

Chaplain who Watched Homosexual Ceremony Leaves Baptists

Chaplain (Col) Timothy Wagoner made headlines when he “supportively” attended a homosexual “commitment ceremony” at McGuire AFB.  He made headlines again when his endorsing agency publicly clarified that they continued to oppose homosexuality and semblances of homosexual “unions.”  For his part, Chaplain Wagoner noted he was quoted out of context and in such a way as to imply he “condoned” the ceremony, when in fact he did not.

Now, Chaplain Wagoner has informed his endorsing agency that he is leaving the Southern Baptist Convention:

“If an SBC chaplain concludes he cannot conduct his ministry Read more

Pilot Safe after USAF F-16 Crashes in Pacific

A US Air Force F-16 crashed in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday; the pilot safely ejected.  It was apparently part of a flight from Japan to the United States — meaning it was far from home (and potentially land) when the pilot ejected.  That may explain why he spent 6 hours in the water and was eventually picked up by a commercial — not military — vessel.

With various controversies ongoing over crashing Ospreys and the presence of Marines, the US was quick to praise the alliance with Japan that aided in the pilot’s recovery.

As with every other aircraft incident, the Air Force will investigate to determine the cause over the next month or so.

Uniformed Military Members to March in Gay Pride Parade

Military members — wearing their uniforms — will be able to march in this weekend’s parade in San Diego in which people publicly celebrate their desire to have sex with members of their own gender:

In a memorandum sent military-wide, the department said it was making an exception to its policy that generally bars troops from marching in uniform in parades unless individuals get approval from their commanders.

The reasoning behind the US military’s decision:  Read more

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