Local Editorial Scolds Over-the-Top Weinstein

The IndyStar, which has naturally followed accusations against Indiana’s Adjutant General MajGen Marty Umbarger, published a short editorial that scolded Michael Weinstein for his self-appointed role as judge, jury, and executioner:

[Umbarger’s video] raised the ire of a self-appointed watchdog, an attorney named Mikey Weinstein, who started an organization that bills itself as the Military Religious Freedom Foundation…

In an over-the-top protest, Weinstein has demanded that the general be relieved of his command and court-martialed…

The editorial does not attempt to proclaim General Umbarger’s video statement as without error; it merely says that, if it is an error, it does not rise to the ridiculous demands Weinstein makes:  Read more

US Soldiers who Burned Korans Receive Punishment

The investigation into the burning of Islamic religious material confiscated from an Afghan prison was reportedly completed, with no one criminally charged or court-martialed.  (Recall that “religious freedom” advocate Michael Weinstein had demanded the court-martial of these Christians — without explaining how he knew what, if any, faith they held.)  Administrative “non-judicial punishments” were meted out for the error, which was determined not to be malicious:  Read more

Weinstein Sticks Foot in Mouth over West Point Survey

Michael Weinstein, of his self-founded Military Religious Freedom Foundation, has threatened to “file a federal lawsuit” if the US Military Academy at West Point doesn’t stop using a survey that “violates…constitutional protections.”

West Point is currently in direct violation of Clause 3, Article 6 of the United States Constitution’s absolute prohibition against the utilization of any “religious test”…

West Point has grievously transgressed against and is in clear violation of the Constitution of the United States of America, period.

You know its serious when he spells out “period.”  Further, Weinstein asserted that his “clients” were anonymous because they “gravely” feared reprisal:

Our 42 MRFF clients at West Point gravely fear the distinct possibility that they could be the target of nontrivial direct or indirect reprisals and/or retribution if they were to voice their concerns and demands to their superiors at the Academy…

Weinstein’s main points — West Point violated the Constitution and its cadets and faculty are cowering in fear — are fairly easy to debunk:

“West Point Violated the Constitution”

Most honest Constitutional historians would likely admit Weinstein is misusing the “no religious test” clause.  (Even Weinstein’s own research assistant, Chris Rodda, Read more

NBC: US Military Used Christian Doctrine to Recruit New Members

Kari Huus at NBC News re-iterates Michael Weinstein’s manufactured publicity event over the release of an Air Force regulation, something heretofore unknown to warrant national attention.  The article has a few apparent moments of inspiration, as when Huus says

there has been a long string of battles between those in the military who want to root out religious content and others, mainly fundamentalist Christians, who argue that to do so impinges on religious freedom.

That’s inaccurate, however.  The “string of battles” have actually been between those outside the military, who want to “root out” religion, and those who oppose them.  For example, Michael Weinstein has led a self-declared “war” to “root out” religious Read more

Former Marine, Current Army Chaplain Serves All

US Army Chaplain (Capt) David Harvey was originally Marine recruit Harvey in 1989.  He is one of many chaplains who were formerly enlisted; Chaplain Harvey now serves both Soldiers and Marines.  His background gives him a unique connection to the Marines who recently arrived near his Army unit:

A chaplain’s priority of work is his own unit, then other military units. I’m not assigned as a Marine chaplain by any stretch of the imagination, and I’m not trying to take over for the MEU chaplain, but when the Marines find out you’ve got the club ring, got the tattoos, you can establish a rapport with them right away.”

Read more.

The Moral Truth of Military Values

Col. Jim Dryjanski of the National War College wrote a commentary in July entitled “Strengthening our core.”  It began with a reference to the charges of sexual misconduct at Lackland AFB, TX, but broadened the discussion to moral strength and failure across the force:

We can expect some necessary actions to be taken, but will disciplinary action or the implementation of recommendations from various independent top-down strategic reviews be sufficient? Probably not, if we as Airmen don’t recognize the moral battle being waged or fail to act from the grassroots-level to strengthen our core.

It is fascinating — and heartening — to see a military commentary recognize that examples of ethical misconduct are a symptom of the moral climate in the US military.

Col Dryjanski asks if “Integrity, Service, Excellence” — the Air Force core values — are “only words:”  Read more

Camp Pendleton Hosts Secular Summer Kids Camp

Though a couple of critics are claiming that non-religious events are disfavored in the US military, and at Camp Pendleton, it turns out the Marines recently hosted an entire (non-religious) summer camp just for kids:

Marine Corps Community Services started their first day of the four day class of Camp Camo for the summer at the Paige Fieldhouse on Camp Pendleton, July 31.

Camp Camo is a youth summer camp where children seven to 11-years-old learn about nutrition, exercise and how to stay healthy during the summer months.

The kids learned about healthy eating, physical activity, and had Read more

Chaplain Team Preps for Mass Casualties

The US Army North chaplain team is tasked to support Task Force 51, an intragovernmental team that would stand up if a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) event occurred.

[Chaplain] Maj. William Nicholas said everybody’s role in the task force is important but the role of the chaplain and chaplain’s assistant is unique because in a predicament people might need the presence or the love of God.

The team would support everyone involved in whatever Read more

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