US Military Bases Start Raising Holiday Displays

In a continuation of the annual tradition, US military bases are beginning to erect “holiday displays” around the world.  Often, though not always, they consist of a Christmas tree (recognizing Christmas, for those who might not get the connection) and possibly a Menorah (for Hanukkah).  In some cases, the tree is a “holiday tree,” though the Menorah has yet to be dubbed a “holiday candelabra.”

Iwakuni performed its “holiday tree lighting” just prior to Thanksgiving, though the article acknowledges it is, in fact, a Christmas tree.  Many military bases are performing the ceremonies this weekend, including the Dyess AFB Christmas tree and Menorah, and what a local paper called the Fort Bragg “holiday tree and Menorah” lighting, though Fort Bragg announced its annual Christmas tree lighting.

US Military Chaplains: They Go Where You Go, Part 1

US Air National Guard Catholic Chaplain (Capt) William Vit has been serving in a unique remote location:  the South Pole.

Vit was selected to deploy to McMurdo Station in Antarctica this year with the 109th Airlift Wing, New York Air National Guard, in support of Operation Deep Freeze (ODF). Vit provides ministry services to both military and civilian personnel conducting their mission in the world’s coldest continent.

He notes he shares a desire with the researchers there: to seek the truth.

Breaking: Former Navy Chaplain Sues Michael Weinstein

Update: Also at the Stars and Stripes.

Michael Weinstein, the self-described “litigator and agitator” who has managed to have every one of his 5 lawsuits dismissed in the past few years, now finds himself on the receiving end of legal action:

[A former Navy chaplain has filed a] defamation lawsuit against the militant anti-Christian activist Mikey Weinstein, who got served yesterday. Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt, PhD, just filed the new legal complaint in New Mexico State Court, citing multiple counts of defamation and malicious abuse of the legal process by Weinstein and his openly anti-Christian organization the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Inc.

Klingenschmitt had previously been sued by Weinstein and Read more

West Point Chapel Hosts Homosexual Ceremony

Multiple news outlets carried the Associated Press report on a homosexual ceremony conducted in the Cadet Chapel at the US Military Academy at West Point (though the Stars and Stripes probably wins for the most interesting comments).

Penelope Gnesin and Brenda Sue Fulton, a West Point graduate, exchanged vows in the regal church in an afternoon ceremony, attended by about 250 guests and conducted by a senior Army chaplain…

It was not the first such service at West Point, though Read more

Skittles on the Flight Deck

If you’ve ever seen a movie about an American naval aircraft carrier flight deck, you’ve likely noticed the varied colored shirts/helmets worn by various teams on the deck.  If you’ve ever wondered what they all mean, DoD Live provides a primer:

The yellow shirts are generally worn by the person in charge. Their job consists of aircraft handling officers, catapult and arresting gear officers and plane directors.

The blue shirts [perform] as aircraft handlers, Read more

Soldiers, ACLU Sue for Right to Combat

The ACLU and four female servicemembers have sued the Department of Defense because the DoD officially excludes women from (some) combat roles.  (This is the second such suit to be filed this year, though “ACLU” may get a little more attention than “University of Virginia.”)  The justification is largely similar to that which supported the repeal of DADT and the recent legalization of marijuana in some states: People are doing it anyway, so it might as well be made official. 

In fact, the ACLU almost explicitly borrows the DADT mantra Read more

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