Huckabee and the Christian Response to an Ungodly World

Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee was recently invited to deliver the convocation at Liberty University.  He spoke on the state of the culture in America — and noted the state of the world wasn’t merely because ungodly people have said “yes” to ungodly things, but also because Christians have not stood up to say no:

Godly people have failed to say no to the ungodly things.  Culture is moving away from godly values that it is almost unrecognizable from what it once was.

He issued a challenge to live out loud for Christ:  Read more

Wounded Warrior Project Declines Church Fundraiser

Liberty Baptist Church and Academy in Fort Pierce, FL, recently registered to host a fundraiser for the Wounded Warrior Project.

Imagine their surprise when the charity responded that they did not accept donations from fundraisers run by religious groups.  As reported on FoxNews:

We must decline the opportunity to be the beneficiary of your event due to our fundraising event criteria, which doesn’t allow community events to be religious in nature.

Facing an onslaught of shock and criticism, the WWP Facebook page generated this reply to virtually every person who mentioned the controversy:  Read more

Doolittle Raiders Announce Final Reunion

The Doolittle Raiders — the 80 men who made the daring Tokyo raid that inspired a nation — have had an annual reunion for the past 67 years.  At each one, they have toasted their comrades who have passed the prior year and ceremoniously turned their goblets over.  The plan was that the final two Raiders would open and drink a cognac bottled the year their then-leader, Jimmy Doolittle, was born.

There are five remaining Raiders, four of whom are “active.”  All are well into their 90s.

The Doolittle Raiders have decided to make 2013 their last reunion, and they will open the bottle this year.

For their final reunion, they will return Read more

The US Military, Religion, and Hypersensitivity

An innocent and heartwarming story was recently published on the official Air Force website about an effort to help an 8-year-old boy get a letter closer to his dad — in heaven:

MacAidan “Mac” Gallegos was only 5 when his father, Army Sgt. Justin Gallegos, was killed in Afghanistan in 2009. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t think about him…”I wanted to write my dad a letter and get it as close to heaven as possible,” said Mac.

A reserve F-22 pilot volunteered to carry the letter on a flight:  Read more

Aviano Fighter Pilot’s Body Recovered

The body of Capt Lucas Gruenther, the F-16 pilot lost on Monday off the coast of Italy, was recovered Thursday.  Though he had been missing, hopes had been raised after the recovery of a drogue chute and helmet among aircraft debris — seeming to indicate a successful ejection into the chilly waters.

From the family’s statement:

A compassionate husband, a loving son, and a devoted brother; Luc leaves behind a family who loves him dearly and a legacy Read more

Richard Land on Women in Combat

Richard Land, president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, had this to say about the recent decision to allow women into all combat roles:

Land…called the change a “tragic mistake” that will have “grievous consequences.”

“[But] not because women are not capable of performing most of the combat roles to which they will be assigned,” Land said. “They certainly are capable in modern warfare of flying planes and driving tanks Read more

Aviano Continues Search for Missing F-16 Pilot, Father-to-Be

Aviano Air Base has begun using its own F-16s to support the search for Capt. Lucas Gruenther, who went missing during a four-ship training sortie Monday night.  Debris has been found believed to be from his aircraft.

It seems he is soon to become a new father:

Gruenther and his wife, Cassy, are expecting their first child in two to three weeks, the Bee reported.

Along with the Aviano AB wing commander, our prayers are with his family:

“Our thoughts and prayers are with Capt. Gruenther and his family,” [31st Fighter Wing Commander Brig. Gen. Scott J. Zobrist] said.


Chaplains Support Troops in Presidential Inauguration

Many people were aware of some of the roles US servicemembers played in supporting the inauguration — from logistics (like role-playing the rehearsal) to protection.

There was another, lower-key support element as well:  Chaplains deployed to support the troops, too:

The chaplains’ mission is to provide emotional and spiritual support for [6,000] Guardsmen so soldiers and airmen may focus their attention on accomplishing their assigned mission during the ceremony.

The US military generally does an admirable job of supporting religious freedom, and chaplains deploy around the world — and to Washington, DC — to help make that happen.


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