Atheist Jason Torpy Seeks Distance from Wikileaker Manning

Former US Army Captain Jason Torpy, currently leading the one-man Military Association of Atheists and Freethinkers, recently attempted to evaluate the decision by Private Bradley Manning to call himself a “humanist.”

In an article at the American Humanist Association, for which Torpy is the Treasurer, he writes “Is Bradley Manning Really a Humanist?

[Manning lawyer] David Coombs…made a show that Manning had ID tags with “humanist” written on them…Coombs argued, “that his actions came from his deeply held beliefs that all lives had value, Iraqi and American.” Because the defense is leaning on Manning’s humanist beliefs, this trial also calls for humanist attention as well.

Torpy apparently thinks the humanist community needs to think Read more

Soldier Threatened over Chick-FIL-A

Many sites have now reported on US Army MSgt Nathan Sommers, a member of the US Army Band, who has apparently been targeted for his words or actions associated with “his conservative political and religious beliefs.”

As reported at FoxNews, Sommers

said he is facing retribution and punishment from the military for having anti-Obama bumper stickers on his car, reading books written by conservative authors like Mark Levin and David Limbaugh, and serving Chick-fil-A sandwiches at his promotion party.

For its part, the Army categorically denied Read more

F-16 Crashes at Luke Air Force Base

Update: Gen Mike Rothstein, the Luke AFB wing commander, indicated the F-16 may have been brought down by a bird strike.

Two pilots ejected safely when their F-16 crashed at Luke Air Force Base, Arizona, last night.

The jet went down just before 7 p.m. in a desert area about 3 miles west of the airfield, said officials at the base.

Both pilots suffered minor injuries, Sgt. Linda Rainey said. Their names weren’t immediately released.

Glendale Fire Department officials said the two pilots were seen walking around after the crash and were taken to Luke Air Force Base Hospital for further evaluation.

Luke is the primary training base for American F-16 pilots (the base also hosts international F-16 training), meaning the two pilots were likely instructor and student.

Repeated at Stars and Stripes and the Air Force Times.


Atheists Target Military Memorials. Again.

On June 6th, many outlets highlighted the 69th anniversary of the D-Day landings that would ultimately free Europe from the reign of Nazi terror.  They also highlighted the fact that thousands of US servicemembers died storming the beaches, many of whom are buried in France and Luxembourg.  Iconic images recall the price:

Kneeling at Normandy

WWII and D-Day veteran Raymond Moon kneels before the grave of a fallen comrade at the American cemetery at Omaha Beach in Normandy, France on Friday, June 4, 2004. Moon served in the 29th Division and returned to France for the 60th anniversary of D-Day. (AP Photo/Laura Rauch) / ASSOCIATED PRESS

As the world remembered that sacrifice, however, inappropriate timing by atheists tried to doom the memory of Read more

Company Sells Pork-Laced Anti-Jihadist Ammo

As noted at the Religion News Service, South Fork Industries is hawking ammunition tipped in “paint infused with pork” for defense against jihadists.  “Jihawg” ammo is:

The only ammunition in the world that provides a peaceful and natural deterrent to radical Islam.

The article’s only real point was to quote an “assistant professor of religious studies” saying the company had an “inaccurate understanding of the Quran.”

It would seem their understanding of the Koran is irrelevant.  Their understanding of capitalism seems to be stellar.

The RNS makes a point of referring to a Facebook comment saying  Read more

Navy Commander Cites Sense of Entitlement in Homosexual Agenda

In a May 26 letter to the editor at the Marine Corps Times, Navy Commander Robert Spencer replied to an April 15 letter from US Air Force Capt Matthew Phelps, an outspoken military homosexual who had complained of the lack of recognition for his marriage.

Cmdr Spencer calls out Capt Phelps for his sense of “entitlement:”

I fail to see where he is a victim. Homosexual marriages are not true marriages as presently defined.

The homosexual agenda is an attempt to redefine traditional marriage, defined as between a man and a woman.

This traditional definition of marriage has Read more

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