Marine Grog, Sailor Wogs, Soldier Spurs… Hazing?

While elements of things some call “hazing” are supposed to be removed from the military, some traditions seem to survive in the Marine Corps Mess Night, among other places:

During the multiple course dinner, Marines can call out each other for infractions, whether comical or serious. Marines guilty of infractions are “fined” and must then pay and small fee, usually about three dollars, and drink from the “grog”, a mixture of liquids, the elements of which are a mystery. The evening continues with amusing skits enacted by predetermined groups.

The Navy Times frames the Navy’s anti-hazing efforts as awkward to the point of being ineffectual, noting that being sprayed with a fire hose is only hazing if the water pressure is too high, for example. The Navy even officially released Read more

Air Force Responds to Congressional Inquiries on Weinstein

A few weeks ago it was noted that the Air Force reacted to Michael Weinstein — a civilian critic of religious freedom in the military — nearly instantaneously, while it had failed to respond to Congress — the governmental body that writes its rules and authorizes its paychecks — in weeks.  In fairness, it is worth noting the Air Force did eventually respond.

US Rep Doug Lamborn (R-Co) had co-signed a letter demanding explanations for the April meeting the Air Force held with Weinstein.  The response from the Air Force explains that Weinstein met with nine Air Force staff members, including TJAG LtGen Richard Harding and Deputy Chief of Chaplains Chaplain (BrigGen) Bobby Page. The one “gotcha” — the Congressional inquiry whether the Air Force was “aware” of Weinstein’s history of vitriolic attacks on Christians — was vaguely answered by Acting Secretary Eric Fanning:  Read more

America as a Christian Nation

Dr. Albert Mohler has an excellent article that addresses a key point of contention among many who publicly discuss Christianity in America — whether or not America is, or was, a “Christian nation.”  (These arguments rage despite the fact those on either side may fail to agree on what “Christian nation” even means.)  One notable quote from Dr. Mohler:

Do American Christians really believe that Christianity benefits by being associated with all that America represents in the Muslim world? To many Muslims, America appears as the great fountain of pornography, debased entertainments, abortion, and sexual revolution. Does it help our witness to Christ that all this would be associated in the Muslim mind with “Christian” America?


Dr. Mohler’s article was originally published in the Summer 2013 edition of The Southern Seminary Magazine.


Air Force Commentaries on Filling Squares, the Narrow Path

Writing on the Air Force homepage, SMSgt Vincent Miller penned “Filling Squares,” an article that many took as an apologist view of doing things just to get promoted:

As Airmen, we are more than familiar with the need to fill the proverbial squares as we strive to progress in our military career…Filling the squares also establishes separation from your peers and it is through this separation that you are most likely to fulfill your career aspirations and goals.

The article generated a slew of responses, some of which berated the Senior for appearing to promote ancillary activities over actual duty performance.  The comments likely took off because retired LtCol Tony Carr, recently a C-17 squadron commander, highlighted the commentary on his John Q. Public blog.

Senior Master Sergeant Vincent Miller, undoubtedly a skilled and well-meaning senior NCO, unintentionally Read more

Former US Army Soldier, Pastor Finds Calling in Nose Art

The Herald-Review (repeated at the Stars and Stripes) covers Dan McQuality, a Desert Storm veteran and Lutheran pastor who is making his mark recreating World War II era nose art:

McQuality, who serves as pastor of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Lincoln, had no idea when he sold his first nose art pictures that it would become a full-time business.

“It was just something I did for a hobby, and it blossomed into something more,” McQuality said.

The article notes the heritage and emotion the artwork invokes:

[McQuality’s] products often forge strong emotional ties with their customers, especially veterans who see their former service memorialized. Many veterans and their relatives send stories along with their orders, which the McQualitys enjoy.

It is no small irony that much of the nose art McQuality, a Christian pastor, recreates probably wouldn’t be permitted in the Air Force Read more

Military Officer Accuses Marine Corps of “Legal Charade”

A recent article published by the ACLU was by-lined “Colleen Farrell, Captain, U.S. Marine Corps Reserves.”  Captain Farrell slammed the US military for its “charade” in following the now-rescinded policies prohibiting women from certain combat roles.  As Captain Farrell describes it, the policies were not that females couldn’t serve in combat roles; as executed, the policies prevented females from serving greater than 45 days in a combat role:

Because of the combat exclusion policy, women Marines Read more

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