Transgender Sailor Booted for Sexual Misconduct and No One Notices

In the ongoing public relations campaign claiming transgenders prima faciestrengthen our military” (while Christians are “a severe failure of leadership“) no one is talking about Alexandra Marberry, a ‘conservative Christian‘ and recent US Naval Academy graduate supposedly destined for pilot training when his assignment was held up for over his decision to be a woman.

Marberry has just been booted from the Navy for sexual misconduct:

In June [2017], a commanding officer called her into a meeting and told her she had to be off the ship in an hour, she said.

Marberry was forced to resign…after another officer accused her of groping. She denies the accusation.

“I had been falsely accused of groping a transphobic officer who I had originally believed was an ally,” she wrote.

So, he did something with someone he thought was an “ally,” and when that Read more

Judge Rules All-Male Draft Unconstitutional

In February, a federal judge ruled the requirement for US males aged 18-25 to sign up with the Selective Service — thus making only males, and not females, eligible for a military draft — is unconstitutional.

On some level, this may seem like an entertaining comeuppance or schadenfreude to activists who have been demanding “equality” for women (including conversations within the military), just like gender-neutral PT tests in the military (which, if held to a traditional standard, might actually exclude many women if treated on an “equal” basis).

But it should not be celebrated.

This is yet another way in which the US society — at least, those who would impose their will upon it — has attempted to eliminate the distinctions between males and females. That is a tragedy. A woman should Read more

See the Speech Mikey Weinstein Tried to Stop: Chick-fil-A at USAFA

Below, see the speech Mikey Weinstein didn’t want USAFA cadets to see.

Rodney Bullard, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility for Chick-fil-A, spoke to a packed house at the US Air Force Academy’s Character and Leadership Symposium in February, and USAFA quietly published the video shortly thereafter.

If you recall, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein had tried to have Bullard banned (despite Weinstein himself having once been an NCLS speaker.)

Bullard gave a moving and motivational speech on leadership, specifically citing Rosa Parks, and then he took questions.

The second question came from USAFA Professor of Computer Science, Dr. Barry Fagin.  Fagin has long been an outspoken advocate for Mikey Weinstein‘s cause. Much Read more

US Military Transgender Policy To Be Reinstated Today

Today the US military will largely return to its previous policies on the admission and service of persons who identify as transgender, as those policies existed prior to the unilateral reversal of those policies under the Obama administration.

The DoD policy is explained briefly here, and it largely makes sense. For example, [emphasis added]

Except for those who are exempt from the 2018 policy, all service members, regardless of their gender identity, must adhere to the standards associated with their biological sex. These sex-based standards — such as physical fitness and body fat standards — are based on male and female physiology, not gender identity.

It’s an important, factual, and reasonable distinction. “Equality” notwithstanding, the US military must Read more

Article: DoD Not Doing Enough for Religious Liberty

First Liberty’s Mike Berry wrote at the Washington Examiner calling on the Pentagon to be “more vigilant in protecting the religious liberty of men and women in uniform.” It’s an appropriate admonition based on two significant recent events.

In the first, Col Leland Bohannon was fired and removed from a promotion list after a retiring homosexual subordinate complained. As Berry notes:

A formal complaint was filed and the Air Force Inspector General ruled that Bohannon had violated Air Force policy. It took none other than the secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson, to Read more

Muslim Soldier Claims Persecution with Mikey Weinstein’s Help

As has now been widely reported, US Army SPC Cesilia Valdovinos — who converted to Islam in March 2016 — has claimed discrimination over her wear of the hijab, for which she was granted a religious accommodation just last summer. According to Valdovinos, a senior enlisted leader required her to remove her hijab to prove her hair was being correctly worn underneath it. (While the accommodation was granted, she is still required to maintain certain standards, even under the hijab.) The reason for the “inspection” was the belief her hair was not properly maintained while under her hijab, as was required. When she removed the hijab, her hair was, indeed, down — though Valdovinos says it was because it was held up by the hijab itself. Valdovinos apparently found this exchange inappropriate and filed an EO complaint.

There are aspects to this story on both sides that Read more

US Army Captain Judd Lienhard Opposes Bladensburg Cross

A member of the US military wrote an article published online noting he was an Army Captain and Christian — and yet he opposed the existence of the Bladensburg Peace Cross:

My name is CPT Justin M. Lienhard…I am absolutely opposed to any public funds being used to support any religious institutions or beliefs. The Bladensburg cross at the heart of the ongoing Supreme Court battle is an example of exactly that, and it doesn’t represent my service, nor the service of the many people I worked alongside…

I am an avowed Christian. I know that Jesus is my lord savior.

Lienhard’s article is not compelling — and it’s also not entirely forthright.

First, he gives a passionate critique of several strawmen. The Bladensburg Peace Cross has nothing to do with “public funds [supporting] religious institutions or beliefs” — despite his categorical claim it was “exactly that.” He writes about not “march[ing] as a Christian army,” which has nothing to do with the Peace Cross — or just about anything else. Further, contrary to his passionate claim, the Bladensburg Peace Cross wasn’t erected to represent his service, nor honor all veterans. It was erected with the use of private funds to honor the families of 49 local citizens who were killed in World War I. That he would somehow personalize their memorial changes its meaning not one whit.

It is interesting that a US Army Captain would Read more

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