Air Force “Honors” Stonewall Riots?

An Air Force article on a homosexual/transgender pride “celebration” at Andersen AFB, Guam, noted the history behind the June event:

Pride Month is celebrated annually in the U.S. during June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Riots in New York, a tipping point for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights movement.

For those who haven’t looked it up, the “Stonewall Riots” were essentially a police raid of a “gay bar” that went bad, with patrons attacking the police. When the outnumbered police retreated to a building for their safety, the homosexual rioters attempted to set the building on fire. Read more

Do the Right Thing

In the autumn of your years, as you reflect on the mark you have left, you will be proudest of those times you took the risk to do the right thing and not the expedient.  And you will be most ashamed to recall the times you remained silent when you should have stated your mind.

General Charles G. Boyd, USAF, Retired, May 2006

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Klingenschmitt Wins Colorado GOP Primary

Gordon Klingenschmitt, the former Navy chaplain discharged over a controversy about “praying in Jesus’ Name,” has won the GOP primary for the US House of Representatives for the 15th District in Colorado.

Klingenschmitt expressed confidence in a November victory, as the district is heavily Republican — and also boasts a significant military population.

Klingenschmitt was also sued, unsuccessfully, by Michael “Mikey” Weinstein and his wife, Bonnie, over “imprecatory prayers.” Klingenschmitt sued the Weinsteins in return, claiming abuse of process and defamation. His suit survived dismissal last January, with the defamation claim being allowed to proceed.


FDR Prayer to be Added to Memorial

O Lord, give us Faith. Give us Faith in Thee; Faith in our sons; Faith in each other; Faith in our united crusade…

With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogancies. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace…

Thy will be done, Almighty God…

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer is to be added to the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC, now that President Obama has signed the change into law.  The prayer was previously discussed here, when the administration’s Bureau of Land Management opposed the prayer.

The full text of the prayer, from FDR’s address to the nation on D-Day, Read more

DoD Endorses Homosexual Advocacy Group

Senior defense leader says the US military leads in social change…

Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy Rosemary Freitas Williams was the keynote speaker for the American Military Partner Association’s “inaugural gala.” The AMPA is a homosexual advocacy that has lobbied for “homosexual rights” — and, more recently, those of “transgenders.”

Williams wholeheartedly endorsed the AMPA’s advocacy for homosexuality in the US military [emphasis added]:  Read more

Air Force Commander Calls for New Core Value: Courage

Col Christopher Sage recently wrote an article (oddly, published at the commercial Air Force Times rather than through the Air Force) calling on the Air Force to explicitly add “courage” to its list of core values that currently include integrity, service, and excellence.

The trait of courage was absorbed under integrity in the 1997 construct, and only briefly described as “doing what is right…”

Courage should be explicit, not implicit, in our core values. It is time to elevate courage to its proper place.

In an interesting bit of history, Col Sage notes that the 1997 Air Force pamphlet on the core values focused on the institution, rather than the individual:

“Our first task is to fix organizations; individual character development is possible, but it is not a goal.” It goes on Read more

LGBT Airman Describes Negative Impact to Morale

An official Air Force article entitled “Monster in the closet: An Airman fights prejudice” contradicts its own title as it describes a homosexual Airman who does not experience (or fight) prejudice in the Air Force.

Interestingly, though, she relates a story that counters the mainstream idea that the open service by homosexuals in the US military was a “non-event” [emphasis added]:

“I knew an LGBT Airman who deployed after the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ and made a friend of the same sex. After the Airman came out to his good friend, who he was not sexually interested in, his friend ostracized him. It made the deployment harder for both men…”

So a homosexual “coming out” to a military peer negatively impacted morale in the deployed combat environment.  Anecdote, yes.  However, it may indicate a crack Read more

Mikey Weinstein Scrambles to Defend Huge Paycheck

As previously noted, last week the Air Force Times highlighted the fact Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s self-founded “charity” pays its sole employee — Mikey Weinstein — nearly half of the money it brings in. This has been noted here every year, though it picked up significant steam in the past few months.

The original story spread quickly, getting picked up by the Stars and Stripes, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, NonProfit Quarterly, and even Foreign Policy.  Charity rating organization Charity Navigator, which participated in the original article, tweeted their disbelief about Weinstein’s pay scheme, in which he is part of the “board” that approves his own salary:

Weinstein scrambled for a response, calling the article “character assassination” — though he notably did not rebut its veracity.  If the article is factually accurate, as it appears to be, who is responsible for the impact to Weinstein’s character: the person who reported the conduct, or the person doing it?  Weinstein’s acolytes, teaming up to comment on some of the articles, derided the revelation as an “attack,” part of a Christian conspiracy, Read more

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