US Army Denies Flying Spaghetti Monster Beard

It was bound to happen: The Headquarters of the US Army has denied a young Soldier’s request for a religious accommodation to wear a beard.

US Army SPC John Hoskins claimed to be a “Pastafarian,” whose “deity,” if you will, is the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

In January, LtGen Thomas Seamands, the Army’s Deputy Chief of Staff for personnel, denied the request [emphasis added]:

1. I have considered your request for a religious accommodation to permit you to grow a beard in observance of your Pastafarian beliefs, along with the recommendations of your chain of command. I deny your request for an exception to Army personal appearance and grooming standards. A copy of this disapproval memorandum will be placed in your Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR).

2. Your request for an accommodation is denied based on a lack of a sincerely held religious belief.

3. This decision is final with Read more

Vice President Pence on Religious Liberty in America

Speaking at the Liberty University commencement, 11 May 2019:

The truth is, when you leave Liberty Mountain, you’re going to find an America filled with promise…

We live in a time when the freedom of religion is under assault. Yesterday, I was informed by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom that today Christians suffer more persecution around the world than any other religion…

The freedom of religion is enshrined in our First Amendment and in the hearts of every American. And these attacks on Christian education are un-American. I’m proud to report our administration has already taken decisive action to protect religious liberty, and we’ll continue to do just that. And I promise you: We will always stand up for the right of Americans to live, to learn, and to worship God according to the dictates of their conscience.

The American people cherish our tradition of religious education, and as President Trump said at this very podium two years ago, on our watch, “No one is ever going to stop you from practicing your faith or from preaching what is in your heart.” That’s a promise… Read more

Mikey Weinstein’s MRFF Uses Fake Quotes. Chris Rodda Doesn’t Seem to Mind.

Christine “Chris” Rodda, the longsuffering and underpaid MRFF research assistant of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, once fancied herself a historian. For a short while, she almost achieved internet fame in her “debunking” of those who tried to use allegedly historic quotes from allegedly famous people to promote their case of, in Rodda’s words, Christian nationalism or some such conspiracy.

The lengths to which she would go were impressive — literally, thousands of words to refute single quotations, in some cases.

Yet, it appears Rodda is willing to let her own group get away with a little bit of that same “fake news.”

John Compere, who tries to remind everyone he is a retired BGen and “disabled American veteran (Vietnam)”, also likes to use quotes, presumably because he thinks it makes his attacks on liberty sound more legitimate — particularly if they come from heroes of conservativism and Christians. He particularly likes Ronald Reagan (previously discussed), whom he rips out of context to make an anti-MRFF quote sound like Reagan would have been pals with Mikey.

Rodda apparently hasn’t schooled Compere there, as he continues to use the quote.

Compere also likes this quote from George Washington (here, for example):

“It has been suggested that [the military chaplaincy] has a tendency to introduce religious disputes into the Army, which above all things should be avoided, and in many instances would compel men to a mode of Worship which they do not profess.”- First Commander-in-Chief George Washington

This quote should raise flags for Read more

Soul Survivor Has Reached 5,000 US Troops for Christ

CBN News profiles Soul Survivor Outdoor, a nonprofit outreach ministry that takes US troops on outdoor adventures — and has reached 5,000 troops for Christ since it was founded in 2014. One one hand, it is a basic outdoor ministry:

Soul Survivor Outdoor hosts free outdoor adventure events like skydiving, rock-climbing, rappelling, and sailing to reach active duty military, veterans, and their families.

On the other, SSO’s exciting events have Read more

Mikey Weinstein, Fearing Lawsuit Failure, Stages Book Stunt

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein announced that his MRFF — which is currently suing to have a Bible removed from a POW/MIA display at the Manchester VA — had staged a stunt in which a “client” placed a stack of texts on the POW/MIA table of varying faith traditions.

The VA said it would not “tolerate” organizations messing with the displays and would remove the other books, which mirrored their other forceful statement protecting the display.

Importantly, having other faith texts placed on the display is not the “relief sought” in the current lawsuit. The suit seeks only the removal of the Bible.

James L. Chamberlain, the token plaintiff and Read more

The Transgender Contradiction & the US Military

By Sonny Hernandez

But from the beginning of the creation God made them male and female (Mark 10:6)

President Donald Trump has officially implemented a new policy on transgenderism in the military that Americans should take the time to read. According to BuzzFeed News:

President Donald Trump finally got to implement a ban on transgender people in the military on Friday — nearly two years after he shot off tweets declaring the military “will not accept or allow transgender individuals to serve in any capacity.”

Lt. Col. Carla M. Gleason, a Pentagon Read more

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