Elisabeth Elliot, Famed Missionary Widow, Dies at 88

Elisabeth Elliot died last week at the age of 88. An influential Christian speaker, author, and evangelist in her own right, she was also known for the famous martyrdom of her husband, Jim, and four of his companions during their missionary work to the unreached Waodani (Auca) in Ecuador. The story of their deaths was international news in 1956, and Elliot wrote two books on the events which eventually became movies.

(Nate Saint, one of the martyrs, was a pilot and had flown the men into the jungle in his Piper PA-14.  One of the locals who had first led to the missionary excursion died last year.)

Read more about Elliot’s life here.


Military Gay Pride: Be You. Be Proud

The Air Force recently pubished an official article written by military spouse Aja Trotter, writing from Osan Air Base, South Korea, on homosexual pride, describing the “reality” of sexuality [emphasis added]:

Often, societal norms and expectations cloud our ideas of what gender, gender expression and sexuality should be, diminishing our ability to see what actually is and often leading to rude assumptions and insolence.

For example, some people want or expect all men to be masculine. Some want women to be sweet and submissive. Some want the spouse of a married person to be of the opposite sex. And some want young boys to only play with trucks and actions figures. In reality, there are so many variations between gender expression and sexual orientation that it is impossible to box these identities into our own narrow limitations of what someone is supposed to do, or should be. Some women are more tough than sweet. Some young boys prefer the color pink and flowers. And some men Read more

Mohler: There’s Nowhere to Hide

Dr. Al Mohler, president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary:

This is a moment of decision, and every evangelical believer, congregation, denomination, and institution will have to answer. There will be no place to hide. The forces driving this revolution in morality will not allow evasion or equivocation. Every pastor, every church, and every Christian organization will soon be forced to declare an allegiance to the Scriptures and to the Bible’s teachings on marriage and sexual morality, or to affirm loyalty to the sexual revolution. That revolution did not start with same-sex marriage, and it will not end there. But marriage is the most urgent issue of the day, and the moment of decision has arrived.

In this season of testing, Christians committed to the gospel of Christ are called upon to muster the greatest display of compassion and conviction of our lives. But true compassion will never lead to an abandonment of biblical authority or a redefinition of the gospel of Jesus Christ

No one, especially in a position of leadership, will be able to fly under the radar on this issue…

The issues before us are compelling and urgent. The Bible is clear. Are you ready to give an answer?

Read more.


Transgender Soldier Cites Christian Faith

The Colorado Springs Gazette covered local Fort Carson Soldier Staff Sgt Peter/Patricia King, who was born biologically male but now presents himself as female. In one respect, this is becoming so common that it almost isn’t newsworthy. On the other, the media attention is understandable given the US military’s current “transition” on transgender issues.

What make’s King’s story notable, though, is his constant reference to his religious faith. As cited in the article [emphasis added]:

“Being transgender doesn’t make me a pervert. It doesn’t make me a fetishist. It doesn’t make me a bad person, a bad soldier, a bad parent, or a bad Christian.” – from Patricia King’s blog…

She’s a father, a soldier, a Christian

The hardest part of King’s journey may have been balancing her gender with her beliefs. A church-going Christian, King worried that her internal conflict with manhood was also a conflict with God.

In faith, though, she found shelter. At Vista Grande Community Church, Read more

Embattled Chaplain Modder Files Complaint Against Navy Commander

US Navy Chaplain Wes Modder, currently facing a discharge board for statements about homosexuality made during private counseling sessions, has filed a complaint with the Navy with the goal of being able to continue ministering to his sailors:

Chaplain Wes Modder spends his days basically alone in the base chapel. He is no longer allowed into his office. By order of his commanding officer, he is not allowed even to speak to the sailors in his unit. If anyone from his unit comes into the chapel, he may not speak with them…

His commanding officer, Captain Jon Fahs…requested various actions against Modder, including taking him off the promotions list, separating him for cause, and initiating a board of inquiry. None of that has happened yet and, in the meantime, Modder sits alone unable to help his fellow sailors…

Modder and his lawyers at the Liberty Institute have Read more

Court Rules in Favor of Sikh Hoftstra ROTC Student

Update: Frank Wolf, a former Congressman and current Wilson Chair in Religious Freedom at Baylor University, says Singh’s victory (which relied upon the Religious Freedom Restoration Act being applied to the US military) could potentially open a “new chapter for religious freedom in the military,” a sentiment echoed by A. Barton Hinkle at Reason.com.

Iknoor Singh, a Sikh student at Hofstra University, will be allowed to wear the articles of his faith in a military uniform after a Federal court ruled (PDF) the Army must accommodate his beliefs. In short,

The Court finds that defendants have failed to show that the application of the Army’s regulations to this plaintiff and the denial of the particular religious accommodation he seeks further a compelling government interest by the least restrictive means.

The finding was under the auspices of the Religious Freedom Read more

NPR Questions Military Policy on Sikhs

In the face of a Supreme Court decision requiring an employer to accommodate a job seeker’s head scarf, NPR’s Tom Gjelten asks “Why Are Only Three Observant Sikh Men Serving In The U.S. Military?

“What I’m anticipating with this decision is that we will have a move in this country to recognize the right of individuals from different religious backgrounds to live in an America that does not discriminate against them on the basis of how they appear,” says Simran Jeet Singh, the senior religion fellow for the Sikh Coalition.

The article largely rehashes the story and one recent Read more

Army Chaplain: God is with Us

U.S. Army Brig. Gen. David Graetz, the assistant chief of chaplains for the Army National Guard gave a spiritual message to participants of the Golden Coyote training exercise during the 7th prayer breakfast at Camp Rapid…

“It sets the tone for a good exercise and reminds people that God is with us during our training,” said Graetz. “If you look at the training with the perspective that you are preparing to deploy, it’s important to know that God is with us, walking with us and supporting us in the jobs that we do.”

Read more. Read more

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