Military Humanists Get Last Laugh in Charity Drive

The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is billed as the world’s largest workplace charitable campaign. It allows federal employees, including members of the US military, to allot donations from their paychecks to a variety of non-profit organizations. While “charity” can sometimes be stereotypically religious, the CFC allows government workers to donate to everything from the Family Research Council to Planned Parenthood.

One regional campaign chose an interesting set of artwork for the cover of their listing pamphlet:

Those who keep up with religious issues in the culture will immediately recognize the symbol of secular humanism, as epitomized Read more

Charles Wright: Conscientious Objector, Purple Heart Recipient

A local Iowa paper covered Charles Wright, a Vietnam veteran who was drafted in 1966 and entered the US Army as a conscientious objector:

Perhaps the most impressive fact about Wright’s service is that, despite being injured, despite witnessing horrors, despite growing ever-immune to those tragedies, his time in war only strengthened his faith in God.

Read more about Wright, now a pastor, hereRead more

Attacks on Military Memorials Continue

As has been noted many times, it has become increasingly popular for militant secularists to launch attacks against towns for having war memorials with religious imagery or even just the word “God.”

oldenburg1The most recent attack came in the tiny town of Oldenburg, Indiana, where Steve Kristoff — one of about 700 residents — objected to a cross and the word “God” on a local military memorial.

Councilman Denny Moeller said Kristoff, who lives in Oldenberg, issued a complaint with the town council.

“He’s saying that there are other people out there who are non-believers Read more

Commander Violates Regs in Response to Mikey Weinstein

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein has claimed a “decisive MRFF win” now that 436 FSS commander LtCol Don Tasker sent an email addressing the “controversy” over the prior Operation Christmas Child announcement. Weinstein said the Air Force “ENDORSEMENT OF FUNDAMENTALIST CHARITY [was] REVOKED IN UNDER 26 HOURS”. The email, as distributed by Weinstein, says:

From: 436 FSS/CC
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 4:19 PM
To: 436 FSS Personnel Only
Subject: //ACTION/ROUTINE//Religious Endorsement

FSS Team,

Recently an email regarding a volunteer opportunity was forwarded to the entire 436 Force Support Squadron. The invitation included in that email Read more

Mikey Weinstein Attacks Air Force over Operation Christmas Child

occFour years ago Michael “Mikey” Weinstein attacked the US Air Force Academy when cadets sent out emails to the rest of the cadet wing announcing their involvement in Operation Christmas Child (OCC). Weinstein’s asinine demands resulted in media confusion but no real change to what USAFA cadets were doing.

Now Weinstein is after Air Force involvement in OCC again, and his position is just as ludicrous.

Briefly, Weinstein says (PDF) a commander’s Read more

Senator Cruz Indicates Support for Reinstating DADT

As reported at the left-leaning Think Progress, Senator and presidential candidate Ted Cruz seemed to support reinstating some sort of ban on homosexuals serving in the US military:

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz told Iowa voters on Tuesday that he wants to reassess whether gays, lesbians, and transgender people should be allowed to serve in the military, saying the armed forces should not be treated “like a cauldron for social change” with the government “trying to pursue sexual identity politics.”

Cruz also noted the impact this “cauldron” is having on military religious freedom.

Regarding further “social change” — open service by Read more

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