Can US Troops Say #IWillProtectYou?

protectyouA variety of news outlets covered the touching story of an 8-year old Muslim girl in Texas who reportedly started packing when Presidential candidate Donald Trump talked about prohibiting Muslim immigration:

Sofia heard about Trump’s proposal while the family was watching the evening news. While Trump has said he isn’t targeting American Muslims, her mother said Sofia didn’t make that distinction.

She packed a bag with Barbie dolls, a tub of peanut butter and a toothbrush. And she checked the locks of her family’s home because she thought soldiers were coming to take her away.

As a result, a few people started using the hashtag #IWillProtectYou and encouraged veterans and service members to send Sofia messages of reassurance.  Covered at the Religion New Service:

U.S. service members are using the hashtag #IWillProtectYou to show support Read more

Mikey Weinstein Attacks Air Force, Ignores “Putrid” Prayers at Navy, Army

usafapray2Michael “Mikey” Weinstein is trying to make significant waves over the continued practice of US Air Force Academy football players taking a knee in the end zone prior to the start of their games. He has famously called the practice “putrid” and a

monstrous travesty and brutal breach of federal constitutional law…

Weinstein’s group has even categorically said these football players are Christians (how he knows that, no one knows) — and that they sound “like the Taliban…or worse.”

Oddly, even though West Point and Read more

Former JAGs: MRFF Wrong Historically, Legally

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein relies heavily on his credentials as a “former Air Force JAG.” Presumably, people outside the military ascribe to a JAG a particular expertise on military regulations and the law, and Weinstein seeks to benefit from that connotation.

When Weinstein recently demanded that the US Air Force Academy prohibit cadets from praying, it was notable that not one but two former JAGs spoke up in defense of the military religious freedom Weinstein’s “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” sought to ban.

The Alliance Defending Freedom’s Daniel Briggs wrote a letter (PDF) that became the “opposing viewpoint” that required USAFA to be “prudent and deliberate” in its review of Weinstein’s complaint. Briggs said [emphasis added]

Cadet-led prayer does not violate any purported ‘separation of church and state.’ Courts have long recognized that this term is a misrepresented and tiresome platitude found nowhere Read more

USAFA Rejects Mikey Weinstein’s Demand to Ban Prayer

usafapray2The US Air Force Academy released a statement declaring that cadet football players would not be prohibited from taking a knee in the endzone prior to games. As reported at the Air Force Times, USAFA said [emphasis added]:

The United States Air Force Academy places a high value on the rights of its members to observe the tenets of their respective religion or to observe no religion at all.

Recently the United States Air Force Academy received a complaint about its football players kneeling in prayer. An inquiry was initiated, which found the football players’ actions to be consistent with Air Force Instruction 1-1 and its guidance on the free exercise of religion and religious accommodation

The United States Air Force Academy will continue to reaffirm to cadets that all Airmen are free to practice the religion of their choice or subscribe to no religious belief at all. The players may confidently practice their own beliefs without pressure to participate in the practices of others.

Weinstein’s response was typical:  Read more

Mikey Weinstein Aims for Christmas Villain Hat-Trick

In what is becoming an annual tradition, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein and his self-founded “charity,” the oddly-named Military Religious Freedom Foundation, have been nominated for or have won recurring Christmas-villain awards for his attacks on military religious freedom.

Weinstein “won” the Liberty Institute’s Scrooge Award in 2014, after he was nominated for his infamous “cadet whiteboard” attack, in which he aimed his invective at a US Air Force Academy cadet who had the gall to write a Bible verse on a dry erase board. Weinstein has been nominated again this year for his attack on, again, US Air Force Academy cadets — this time, members of the football team who choose to take a knee prior to their games.

MRFF supporters are aware of the voting for Liberty Institute’s award and are trying to shoot the moon, apparently thinking that being viewed as a rich, crass, stone-hearted cynic is a good thing.

After missing out last year, Mikey Weinstein’s MRFF has been nominated for Read more

Christian Army Helo Pilot Killed in Training Accident

US Army Chief Warrant Officer 2 Kevin “Mose” Weiss was killed December 2nd when the two-seat AH-64 Apache helicopter he was flying crashed a few miles from Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He is survived by his wife, Beth, and two young children, Lucas and Susie.

Beth wrote this letter about her fallen husband:

Written By Mrs. Bethany Weiss

God is my ultimate Provider, Jehovah-jireh is His name; one of the many ways He has provided for me was by giving me Kevin Mose Weiss.

At approximately the age of 12, I met Kevin Mose at AWANA Club. The mission of AWANA is to help “churches and parents worldwide raise children and youth to know, love, and serve God.” Kevin’s nickname at our AWANA Club was, “Monkey Boy”. A couple of my friends Read more

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