Trans-abled Soon to Join Transgendered in Push for “Rights”

The “success” of the transgender movement appears to have inspired another repressed class of people who just want equal rights: “Trans-abled” people believe they are sick, amputees, or paralyzed persons — but they’re trapped in a healthy person’s body.  Trans-abled people may act as if they are disabled, or they may attempt to actually become disabled — either by force or by surgical procedure.

One of the more infamous is Chloe Jennings-White, a man-turned-woman who is able-bodied but thinks he’s actually disabled.

While this condition is still recognized as a disorder, it may not be long before Read more

Former Soldier Pleads Out in Terrorism Related Case

Bilal Abood was a translator for the US military in Iraq prior to 2009, when he left Iraq for the US and became an American citizen. He joined the US Army in 2010.

In 2014, the FBI determined he had made a statement of allegiance to al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State. He recently pled guilty to lying to the FBI about that statement:

Bilal Abood…admitted he lied to the FBI about traveling to Syria and sending a tweet pledging allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of Islamic State…

The report seems to imply Read more

Transgender Army Reservist Sues Barbershop for Discrimination

Kendall Oliver, also known as Brittney, is a US Army Reservist who identifies “more as male than female.” (For the record, she’s a woman, and she refers to herself as “they.”) As noted in March, when she attempted to patronize The Barbershop in Rancho Cucamonga, California, she discovered The Barbershop is just that — a barbershop, not a salon. The Barbershop doesn’t cut women’s hair, and declined to cut her’s.

As noted at The Religion Clause, Oliver has now sued The Barbershop (PDF), claiming the Government requires barbers to cut both men and women’s hair. Part of her justification is that The Barbershop has no “legitimate business justification” for the discrimination, which appears to ignore the fact publicly presenting one’s business as cutting men’s hair is substantially different than presenting one’s business as cutting women’s hair. (Barbers across the country are now gripping their scissors tightly, wondering if they, too, will be required to cut hair they’re either not trained to cut or particularly skilled at cutting.)

Her justification, of course, is that the men who Read more

Two F/A-18s Crash off North Carolina Coast

Two US Navy F/A-18 Super Hornets crashed last Thursday during a “routine training mission” off the North Carolina coast. All four crewmembers ejected safely.

The Navy initially reported only that they crashed, though it was a reasonable conclusion they collided (as confirmed later by the Navy):

The fighters were based in Virginia Beach and collided about 10:40 a.m., said Navy spokesman Ensign Mark Rockwellpate. Witnesses reported seeing four parachutes floating down into the Atlantic after the incident.

As with every incident, the Navy will investigate the mishap and report on it at some point in the coming months.  Read more

Conflict between Military Religious Freedom, Sexual Freedom Continues

Update: Multiple news sources now report that 11 states have sued the Federal government for its edict attempting to require public schools to let children use the bathroom of their choice, rather than the bathroom of their gender.

When the homosexual movement began in earnest to assert its lifestyle in society a few years ago, it claimed — some would say knowingly falsely — that all it wanted was the “freedom to love.” What difference did it make to you, after all, if someone wanted to love a man instead of a woman?

Those who dared to call for protection of religious liberty were shouted down as unnecessary and were accused of harboring hatred, bigotry, and being the go-to slur of “homophobe.”

Of course, as everyone now realizes, those “homophobes” were right.

Just a few years ago it would have been laughable to claim the State would force a Christian — a private citizen — to participate in and affirm a “wedding” between homosexuals.

And yet that is precisely what has happened.

Just recently it would have been unthinkable that Read more

Soldier Complains After Bible Used During Army Ball

Update: The US Army later vaguely said it was “looking into” the complaint, though no complaint had been filed.

A US Army Soldier was “completely flabbergasted” that the POW/MIA ceremony at the Adjutant General’s Corps Regimental Association ball in South Korea included a Bible:

During the toast portion of the event, soldiers stationed throughout the crowd brought forward items used to construct the missing man table…

As the soldiers came forward, they briefly spoke about their item’s significance, the anonymous soldier said. The last of the items brought forward was a Bible.

The soldier who brought it forward talked about “strength through faith, and reminding us that we were founded as one nation under God,” the attendee said.

According to the article, the anonymous Soldier said  Read more

US Army Makes Non-Sexual Announcement of New Secretary

The US Army announced that Eric Fanning had been confirmed as the newest Secretary of the Army:

Eric Fanning was sworn in, May 18, as the 22nd secretary of the Army during a small Pentagon ceremony.

The Army’s announcement was notable because it was probably the only one in the entire news cycle that made no mention of Fanning’s homosexuality.

Every single media article on Fanning led off with the fact he is homosexual. The media focus on his sexual preference was so obvious even the Duffelblog weighed Read more

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