Chiefs of Staff: DoD Moving Too Fast on Transgenders

The Chiefs of Staff of the military services have apparently expressed concerns to the Secretary of Defense that the required changes necessary to integrate “transgendered” individuals into the military have to occur on too short a timeline:

Several senior U.S. officials, however, said that while the chiefs of the military services largely back the change, they sought more time to fully develop and implement the complex new rules.

Secretary Carter reportedly “adjusted the timeline” after Read more

Martyrdom, Sacrifice Do Not Absolve Wrong

John Sutter, a CNN columnist, recently repeated what has become a tired — and ultimately baseless — argument: The tragic murder of homosexuals means homosexuality needs to be accepted.  He expressed his disbelief that the terrorist attack in Orlando hadn’t generated waves of conversions in ideology:

Even in the wake of one of the deadliest mass shootings in history, one that specifically targeted members of the LGBT community, politicians and religious leaders are unable to offer unalloyed support…

It’s a nonsensical proposition on its face. The death of a group of people who share a common characteristic does not suddenly legitimize that characteristic. When a man goes on a killing spree targeting sex offenders, for example, sex offenders do not suddenly become honorable, moral, or defensible. Their offense does not justify, warrant, or legitimize their murder — but neither does the murder legitimize their immorality.

Sutter goes a step further, though, and says American citizens who oppose homosexuality “branch from the same tree” as Islamic terrorist Omar Mateen:  Read more

Army Chaplain: Christian Faith Consistent with Being Gay

US Army Post Fort Sill in Lawton, Oklahoma, posted an interesting article coinciding with the DoD’s “celebration” of gay pride this month. US Army Chaplain (Capt) Aaron Oliver explains that he believes his faith and his homosexuality are “consistent”:

Some argue faith and being a member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT) community are at odds with one another, however for one Fort Sill chaplain the two are not incompatible.

“Some see the two, being gay and faith, as an inconsistency,” said Chap. (Capt.) Aaron Oliver. “For me it never really was.”

Publishing this story is an interesting, if potentially problematic, step for Read more

Air Force Backs Down over Flag Ceremony, Mikey Weinstein Gets Upset

weinflagThe Air Force has backpedaled mightily over the apparent assault on retired SMSgt Oscar Rodriguez a few months ago during a retirement ceremony. The motivation for the three NCOs involved in the incident was allegedly to prevent him from saying “God” during a flag-folding ceremony for the retiree. Initially, Public Affairs at Travis AFB said

“Rodriguez ignored numerous requests to respect the Air Force prescribed ceremony and unfortunately was forcibly removed,” a Travis official said…

However, faced with a threat of a lawsuit, Big Air Force eventually rolled in and said Airmen can Read more

US Military Focuses on Sex During Ramadan, PTSD Month

dodpride2Though the month of June marks references to both Ramadan and PTSD awareness (among other things), from news coverage and official US military press releases, you’d think June in the US military was all about sex.

The Department of Veterans Affairs recognizes June as PTSD awareness month, though as yet Congress has only recognized June 27th as PTSD awareness day. Thus, PTSD awareness month is not enshrined in law as, say, Religious Freedom Day is.

Notably, neither the current Congress nor any prior law recognizes any day or month as a celebration of “Gay Pride” — yet President Barack Obama issued a proclamation marking just such a recognition.

While he has annually issued praise for homosexuality in June, according to Read more

Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation: Remove one Bible, thousands will take its place

bible2by Sonny Hernandez

On Friday, April 8, 2016, officials at Wright Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB) removed a Bible from a display table that venerated prisoners of war and Armed Forces service members missing in action. Michael “Mikey” Weinstein, who spearheads a disreputable, anti-God advocacy group called the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), was the culprit behind the unprincipled legal demands that caused officials at WPAFB to capitulate.

WPAFB officials didn’t need to Read more

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