Bible-Believing Military Chaplains Wanted

Heralding Christ and Denouncing Apostasy

by Sonny Hernandez

But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.
– 2 Timothy 3:1-5

I. The role of a military chaplain

Military chaplains are instrumental to the mission of the US military. Chaplains perform or provide for the service men and women they serve by defending their free exercise of religion. This includes Bible-believing Christians that serve despite the delirious conceits of anti-Christians hate groups. Military chaplains also exist to advise commanders on multiple affairs that could unpropitiously affect the mission. The provision of sincerely held theological convictions that are imbued by God is vital to the good order and discipline of the Armed Forces, which is why the role of the military chaplain is imperative.

Military chaplains must carefully understand their respective branch’s policies that Read more

Liberal Chaplains May be Purposely Undermining Troops’ Liberties

Chaplain Wes Modder recently retired from the US Navy. Chaplain Modder was famously recommended for discharge from the Navy after he expressed his religious views regarding sexuality — in response to direct questions by a subordinate Sailor. (If you’ll recall, that was a scenario homosexual advocates said would never happen.) In an interview recorded at OneNewsNow, Modder notes that he ultimately realized he had been set up because of his faith:

“I came to find out later that he was a gay activist, and I was targeted,” the retired chaplain shared.

On one hand, that shouldn’t be too surprising. Many in the homosexual movement are relatively militant about their cause for erotic liberty, and they’re uncomfortable around those whose faith Read more

One Survivor after Two Pilots Eject from U-2

The US Air Force announced that a U-2 Dragon Lady crashed yesterday after its crew of two ejected. One pilot did not survive:

The aircraft was assigned to 1st Reconnaissance Squadron at Beale Air Force Base, and was on a training mission. Two pilots were onboard and ejected the aircraft.  One pilot is confirmed deceased, while the other sustained injuries.

The U-2 is technically a single-place airplane.  There were 5 aircraft Read more

Air Force Begins to Train Troops That Men can be Women


Transgender activist Jean Burleton trained Air Force personnel on the truth of gender fluidity. (142nd Fighter Wing, Portland, Oregon, Air National Guard)

Only in a fallen, sinful world can we say sexual attraction is permanent — but body parts aren’t.

The 142nd Fighter Wing of the Portland Air National Guard in Oregon recently held a training session in which the Air Force trained its Airmen that gender is arbitrarily “assigned-at-birth” rather than a product of biology.

TSgt John Hughel begins the official press release by comparing Secretary of Defense Ash Carter’s removal of the ban on transgenders with President Eisenhower’s executive order integrating the military — terribly ironic, given that skin color is biologically determined and immutable, while transgender activists claim peoples’ bodies need to be physically “fixed” to match how they feel.

The training session was led by Jean Burleton, an activist who is a male but presents himself as a woman.  For context, Burleton previously defended the ability of 15-year olds to get sex-change Read more

Eglin AFB Removes Bible from Waiting Room. Leaves People Magazine.

In a shocking capitulation to an anti-Christian activist, the US Air Force removed a Bible from the pile of reading material in a medical waiting room because Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was offended over its mere presence:


A Bible has been removed from the waiting room of Eglin Air Force Base Allergy and Immunization Clinic after a military retiree contacted the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and expressed concern.

Faced with the apparently unsolvable legal conundrum about what to do with a Bible in public, the Eglin AFB leadership declined to make the decision themselves:  Read more

General Marty Dempsey: There Are No Atheists in Foxholes

dempsey3Almost exactly a year ago, US Army General Martin Dempsey was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — the top ranking uniformed member of the US military and primary military advisor to the President. Known for his humility and his penchant for singing, he was not as publicly known for his faith — something that appears to be showing now that he is retired.

Appearing at Duke University on September 8th, now-retired Gen Dempsey spoke of his experiences with morality, religion, and faith in the US military — including his agreement with the belief that “there are no atheists in foxholes” [emphasis added]:

“You know that thing about ‘there’s no atheist in a foxhole?’ It’s true,” Dempsey said.

There was none of this, ‘oh my gosh you shouldn’t be praying in your uniform, let’s keep separation of church and state’ — you go into something like Baghdad, you’re going to say a prayer before, during and after.”

The timing was surely a coincidence, but General Dempsey’s Read more

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