Air Force Chaplain Leads off Obama Town Hall

yost1Political controversies have largely led the news recently, which slightly obscured the Town Hall event held by US military commander-in-chief President Barack Obama on 28 September.

Some of the news from that event focused on Gold Star mother Tina Houchins asking President Obama why he refused to say “Islamic terrorist” — as well as his response that the issue had been “sort of manufactured.” However, Houchins wasn’t the first one to bring up the “Islamic” term. In fact, an Air National Guard chaplain Read more

Professor Calls for Military Chaplains to Confront Moral Injury

Dr. Martin E. Marty of the University of Chicago Divinity School recently cheered on US military chaplains who are confronting issues of moral injury.

Marty apparently came to see the issues associated with moral injury relatively recently:

A latecomer to the discourse, I became alerted to all this by the work and writings of thoughtful experts. For example, I have carefully read and now recommend Moral Warriors, Moral Wounds: The Ministry of the Christian Ethic by Wollom A. Jensen and friend James M. Childs, Jr. One is a military chaplain and the other a theological ethicist; the two provide close-up and soul-deep analyses and reports.

Dr. Jensen is a retired Navy chaplain (Captain) and Read more

Did Mikey Weinstein Serve in Combat?

A critic recently took to Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s Facebook page to claim Weinstein had no combat duty and never “fought for this country, only against it.” The slam brought Curtis Weinstein — Mikey Weinstein’s son — out in Dad’s defense.


Curtis Weinstein Actually Gordon, my dad graduated from the United States Air Force Academy as an honor grad in 1977 and became a JAG and once he became a Captain, he was recruited by the Regan [sic] Administration to be one of his lawyers in the White House. Nice try though, it must be hard trying to understand life when you don’t even understand what a “fact” is.

With some grace for his desire to defend his family, Curtis Read more

US Supreme Court Passes on Chaplain Klingenschmitt

Former US Navy Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt was discharged from the Navy in 2007 following a fairly public controversy over praying in Jesus’ Name and his subsequent court-martial. However, the court-martial wasn’t why Klingenschmitt was discharged.

During that same time period, Klingenschmitt changed endorsing agencies, a not uncommon administrative exercise:

On September 25, 2006, twelve days after his [court-martial] conviction, Dr. Klingenschmitt voluntarily tendered his resignation from the Evangelical Episcopal Church. On that same day, the Evangelical Episcopal Church notified the [Navy] that Dr. Klingenschmitt had lost his ecclesiastical endorsement, effective October 1, 2006.

On September 28, 2006, the Chaplaincy of Full Gospel Churches executed an ecclesiastical endorsement for Dr. Klingenschmitt and transmitted a copy of that endorsement to the Chief of Navy Chaplains by facsimile on September 29, 2006.

Chaplains are required to have an endorsing agency.  Changing endorsers, which Read more

Cadence International Serves the US Military

A local paper recently conducted an interview with David Schroeder, president of Cadence International, a Christian ministry that serves the US military around the world:

We are a mission agency with more than 200 staff members stationed at about 50 military bases around the world…

Our primary way we reach out is through our open home ministries. We go to a military installation, find a large, adequate home we either buy or rent. Then a family that raises its own financial support moves in and opens their home to the members of the military and their families.

The Cadence “hospitality houses” provide a Read more

Mikey Weinstein Attacks Air Force Officer for Saying He’s Christian

kerstenIn an awkward attack letter worthy of the logically-challenged Chris Rodda, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein recently demanded the “public” punishment of a US Air Force commander for the high crime of saying he was a Christian.

Weeks ago, LtCol Michael Kersten was highlighted in an Incirlik Air Base news article following him taking command of the 39th Medical Support Squadron in July. In that Q & A style piece, Kersten responded by mentioning Christ [emphasis added]:  Read more

American Humanists Sue New Jersey Town over Memorial

The American Humanist Association has sued Roselle Park, New Jersey, for erecting what they call an “unconstitutional display featuring a Christian cross.” The “illegal” display is the now well-known silhouette of a soldier kneeling at the cross-shaped headstone of his comrade.


The complaint is filed against the Borough of Roselle Park and Mayor Carl Hokanson, who had the cross display installed by Department of Public Works employees. The display prominently features a Christian cross silhouette with a soldier kneeling in front of it.

The AHA is free to be offended. They’re free to sue. That does not mean anyone Read more

US Army Chaplain Adds Ranger Tab to Jesus Tab (Video)

US Army Chaplain (Capt) Ryan Mortensen recently became one of the few chaplains to graduate from the US Army Ranger School. He only heard of it when he arrived at his first duty station at Schofield Barracks, and saw Soldiers wearing the Tab: Read more

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