Navy Conducts Annual Blessing of the Fleets

The US Navy reported that the annual “Blessing of the Fleet” ceremony was held at the Navy Memorial in Washington, DC, last week.

Chaplain of the Marine Corps and Deputy Chief of Navy Chaplains, Rear Adm. Brent W. Scott, gave the invocation and blessing to the centuries-old tradition…

The Blessing of the Fleets ritual is intended to safeguard crews and ships from the danger of the seas.

This was the 25th annual ceremony, though the tradition extends for centuries.

To date, it has apparently been unchallenged by militant atheists, though, like ship “christenings,” it has their attention, though at least one atheist says it’s not worth the fight.

While the Navy hasn’t had its ceremonies impeded, a grade school canceled its mock fleet blessing in 2013 after threats from Americans United for the Separation of Church and State. Because nothing establishes a state religion like “blessing” small handmade model boats.