US Military Chaplains: They Go Where You Go, Part 5

A US Marine Corps article highlights the fact that no matter where US troops go — from their doorstep to the front lines of combat — chaplains are right there with them:

The Marines started their day by getting out of their dirt-floor beds with rifles in hand. Next to them, however, was one person who was not a Marine but was wearing a camouflage uniform and worked, ate and slept just as they did. The sun caught the golden cross on his lapel as the greetings of “good morning Chaps” started.

The article goes on to explain the role of the chaplain in the military and the ministry of presence he provides.  Chaplain (Cmdr) Nick Hamilton, command chaplain for the 31st MEU, noted

Marines and Sailors have a right to express their religious beliefs. We protect those beliefs by providing religious services from our faith backgrounds, facilitating religious practices for people of other religions, extending pastoral care to everyone and advising the command on religious, spiritual and moral issues.

See other stories of chaplains serving wherever the troops go (Parts 1, 2, 3, 4).



  • So, given that one of the roles of the Chaplain is to be at the front line, a place where counsellors are hard to find, why should humanists be denied access to suitable chaplaincy services?

  • OK.. so you can’t answer a simple question. I will pretend to be surprised.