US Senate Adopts Rule Upholding Constitution’s No Religious Test

Last Wednesday the US Senate passed a resolution stating what should have been obvious — there is no “religious test” for public office in the United States.

In response to Democrat Senators questioning nominees on their Catholic beliefs in association with the Knights of Columbus, the Senate passed a resolution stating it was

the sense of the Senate that disqualifying a nominee to Federal office on the basis of membership in the Knights of Columbus violates the Constitution of the United States

The resolution noted then-Senator and presidential candidate John F. Kennedy had similarly faced anti-Catholic bigotry:

Whereas then Senator Kennedy responded to the bigotry with these timeless words: “For while this year it may be a Catholic against whom the finger of suspicion is pointed, in other years it has been, and may someday be again, a Jew or a Quaker or a Unitarian or a Baptist…Today I may be the victim, but tomorrow it may be you, until the whole fabric of our harmonious society is ripped at a time of great national peril.”

That’s the kind of thing one wishes supporters of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein would remember when they attack the religious liberties of “certain kinds” of Christians.

While it is only a “sense of the Senate,” resolutions by unanimous consent are generally considered procedure within the governance of the legislative body.

The resolution also stands as a stark rebuke against the multiple Democrat Senators who have questioned the religious faiths of recent nominees.

Via the Religion Clause and the National Catholic Register.