“Log-in and Worship”: Military Chapel goes Online

The US Navy posted a fascinating story about Commander Fleet Activities Chinhae, the only US Naval installation on Asia’s mainland, as its chapel program began live-streaming services to help serve Sailors, Marines, and their families posted to Korea:

“I think it is great,” said Johnna Johnson, ombudsman for Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Korea. “Chinhae is one-hour away from Busan, and it is challenging for families to drive there, so this is a fantastic service. Nothing beats the fellowship of being there in person, but this is an amazing next best thing.”

In an era in which streaming church services is practically a given in the United States, it’s amazing no one else seems to have thought of it first. Said Navy Chaplain (LT) Zachary Zumwalt:

“The goal is to spread the good news and teach the word,” said Zumwalt. “We are brought up to be fishermen, and the more we got into this project, the bigger our net became, and it became apparent streaming was the right solution.”

While a boon to military religious freedom for US troops in Korea, it will undoubtedly anger those who criticize Christians in the military and demand religion be confined to the four walls of the church.

Michael “Mikey” Weinstein and his assistant Chris Rodda, who have essentially demanded troops keep their faith inside the chapel (and then proceeded to criticize the content of those chapel services) will likely have a case of the vapors.

And the Sailors, Marines, and families in Korea will celebrate their constitutionally-protected religious freedom.


One comment

  • Anonymous Patriot

    “They that go down to the Sea in Ships, that do business in great waters: These see the works of the LORD and His wonders in the Deep.” Psalm 107:23, 24. KJV

    God Bless the United States Navy, and the men who sail upon, fly above, and sail below the mighty waves.