Mikey Weinstein Saves Air Force from Seditious Desk Calendar

In a feat of strength and intrepidity, Michael “Mikey” Weinstein saved the Air Force from itself when he forced the removal of a Christian-y sounding desk calendar:

wpafbcalendarThe rolodex-style calendar, which appears to be handmade and contained unattributed and misspelled quotes, was so blatantly offensive that Weinstein’s acolyte had to look into it further to confirm it was offensive [emphasis added]:

I flipped through different dates to confirm that it was indeed a Christian calendar. I discovered many other quotations with references to Jesus and Christianity. Whoever put it there, clearly has the intention to keep it there for the long-term.

It’s more likely whoever put it there had the intention of keeping it there until the calendar was out of date, but you get the idea.

Still, it had quotes “with references to Jesus”! And in view of US citizens in a government facility, no less. That settled it. Duly offended after exposing himself to other days on the calendar, the disciple complained to Weinstein, who complained to Wright Patterson AFB, who briskly had the calendar removed.

The incident revealed two things: How wilting-flower sensitive Mikey Weinstein’s followers are, and how quick Wright Patterson AFB is to try to make him happy.

What some people haven’t realized is Wright-Patt must now ban all other calendars that have quotes on them, to prove they’re not endorsing or favoring the viewpoints of those other quotes, as well.

Ever wonder why there are so many Mikey Weinstein complaints in Ohio and at Wright Patterson, and so few anywhere else?

Kind of makes you wonder, doesn’t it?



  • Anonymous Patriot

    Such thin-skinned Americans shouldn’t be in military at all.

    • @Anonymous Patriot
      Most of Mikey Weinstein’s complaints are about medical facilities, which tells you it’s probably retired/post-service veterans who are doing the complaining. Most US troops today have far thicker skin.