Gary Chapman Teaches Ramstein Couples about Marriage

The chapel at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, recently hosted Gary Chapman (author of The 5 Love Languages) as part of a marriage seminar for military couples:

The topics discussed during the seminar included how different people give and receive love, common causes of conflicts between couples, and how they can improve communication in order to minimize these conflicts.

Chapman emphasized communication as an indispensable tool in producing a healthy and intimate marriage.

Chaplain (Capt) Kristin Swenson indicated the event was well-received, and it appeared to be well-attended.

Though not always openly discussed, the strength of a service member’s marriage contributes to his desire to remain in the military, his effectiveness in the mission, and even his resiliency. In that regard, the military still does a pretty decent job of helping troops fight the scourge of divorce — something that, despite the rise of some political correctness, is still considered a negative outcome.

Chapel sponsored marriage seminars and other retreats like Strong Bonds are some of the ways military couples can use wise counsel and their faiths to help learn or re-learn the tools they need to maintain a healthy marriage.