Breaking: Clinton Email Dump on Benghazi Mentions Mikey Weinstein’s MRFF

clintonweinJust days after the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya, one of Michael “Mikey” Weinstein’s board members sent an email to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton mourning the American deaths and simultaneously touting the MRFF’s anti-Christian mission.

Joe Wilson, himself a former ambassador, sent an email (PDF) to Clinton noting the “very sad days for our service” and said:

Glen Doherty was a fellow member of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation Advisory Board, which fights to ensure that our military is not further compromised by the Christian Dominionists who seek to turn it into an instrument of their religious zealotry, an army for Christ rather than for the defense of our nation. He was invaluable in helping us uncover several cases where religious indoctrination was taking place under the guise of military training. I will miss him.

That’s shameful. Doherty was killed in the line of duty as a CIA operative, using skills he honed as an experienced Navy SEAL. He died bravely fighting to defend the lives of fellow Americans.  Doherty’s sacrifice had nothing to do with Mikey Weinstein or his conspiracy-theory driven crusade against Christians, and it is deplorable that Wilson would use his death as a platform for advancing Weinstein’s cause. (As noted at the time, Mikey Weinstein also heartlessly promoted himself and tried to raise money using Glen Doherty’s death. Doherty’s friends and family were disheartened by those who tried to tie themselves to Doherty for political gain.)

In revealing the email, Daily Caller writer Chuck Ross notes Clinton might have been trying to “be polite,” but

the current Democratic presidential frontrunner did not rebuke or correct Wilson…Rather, she thanked him for his email and wished him and his wife, Valerie Plame Wilson, the best…

The former New York senator is a Methodist and has cited her religiosity in public before. There is no public record of her criticizing the military for being too pro-Christian.

Mikey Weinstein has tried to position himself as David fighting the well-funded, crusading Goliaths of military Christianity. As repeatedly demonstrated, however, Weinstein’s group has had the ears of top Generals and apparently even the now-front-running Democrat Presidential candidate. That said, if his “charity” has had access to such heights of the US government for so long, his lack of substantial results in his “war” against Christians in the US military may be an indicator of how little support he truly has.

In any case, it is deplorable that Weinstein and his allies attempted to capitalize on the death of Glen Doherty to promote their vendetta against military religious freedom. It serves as a warning of the lengths to which Weinstein will go — and those lengths are extreme.


One comment

  • I find it typically disgusting that in an absurd and futile effort to impugn MRFF, Mikey Weinstein, and Amb. Joe Wilson for ‘exploiting’ the pro-Constitution & anti-domionist commitment of Glen Doherty you, yourself, are in fact guilty of shamelessly exploiting his memory to advance your own delusional narrative of non-existent ‘persecution’. And, what’s with this fixation on Mikey? It really smacks of reaction formation.