Army Chaplain: Government Trying to Silence Military Christians

Retired US Army Chaplain (Col) Ronald W. Benzing, now an endorser for the Associated Gospel Churches, addressed a local men’s group in North Carolina, describing how the US military has been trying to “silence” Christians. He cited what he described as a fairly recent incident:

“Two months ago we had an Army chaplain in Alaska who was told by an Air Force chaplain who was a senior chaplain, ‘You can’t preach that sermon you preached Sunday morning at a Sunday night service.’ ‘Why?’ ‘Because I don’t like what I heard.'”

Benzing portrayed his organization’s struggle as one against a military that allows people to

be religious but you’ve got to be religious like we want you to be religious…

Chaplain Benzing’s narrative seems to mesh well with the reported trend of incidents over the past few years regarding Christians in the military, potentially creating the perception — at least, one held by some Congressmen — that the US military is hostile to the Christian faith.