Army Officer Serves God, Country in Afghanistan

US Army LtCol Ronald Bonomo is the public affairs officer for the 401st Army Field Support Brigade in Bagram, Afghanistan. His faith is such a prominent part of his life that people have mistaken him for the chaplain:

“My first impression of Lt. Col Bonomo is his dedication to God’s will in his life,” said Staff Sgt. Veronica Johnson, a native of Flint Michigan and the 401st AFSB Chaplain Assistant.

“He knows what God has called him to do and when it comes to the word of God he is very passionate, obedient and always willing to help in the betterment of God’s people in any way possible. Bonomo has his hand to the plow and is definitely a true servant of the Lord.”

“Honestly I thought he was a chaplain, I kept looking at his uniform for a cross. I was like he is a Lt. Col. In the U.S. Army and so humble; he has to be a chaplain as passionate as he is about the Lord. When I found out he wasn’t a chaplain I was in Awe. He is so true to his calling and he has been a blessing to us all here in the 401st,” [said Patricia Hicks, an Elevated Sensors Operator for the 401st].

LtCol Bonomo is an ordained minister in his day job in Pittsburgh. For now, he’s serving out his faith in service of his country.

The article concludes:

Bonomo is unquestionably a true professional and his passion and love for God challenges Soldiers, leaders and professionals to uphold wholesome values and seek professional brilliance. Bonomo reiterated he’s on assignment in Bagram, Afghanistan, serving not only his country but living out his faith as well. He lives by strong values, cares for soldiers and does what it takes to be the personification of the “Servant Leadership” to those around him.

“It is an honor to represent my country as a soldier, my family as a father and husband, my state as an educator and most importantly my God as a Christian,” Bonomo concluded.