SecDef Hagel Credits ADL for Changes at USAFA
Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel credited the Anti-Defamation League with a turnabout at the US Air Force Academy with respect to religion:
The Department of Defense is proud – very proud – to have worked with the ADL to make our military more open, and more equal, and more just. One example of this historic partnership is at the Air Force Academy, where only a few years ago there were troubling accusations of religious intolerance and anti-Semitism. That began to change when the local ADL worked with leaders at the Academy to create a special course on respect for religious freedom, which is now required for all cadets.
That probably goads Michael “Mikey” Weinstein. Not only does he claim the mantle of delivering religious edicts to USAFA, he also once accused the ADL of being so weak willed they “confused circumcision with castration.” And yet the ADL, which has worked “cooperatively” with USAFA, is getting the credit for changes in the culture of religious respect there.
Weinstein probably has more choice words for them right now.