US Military Celebrates Christ’s Resurrection in Afghanistan

US Army Chaplain (Maj) Steve Prost conducted an Easter sunrise service at Forward Operating Base Gamberi in Afghanistan:

Before the sun began to rise over the Afghan mountains, music and prayer filled the air as service members and civilians gathered to celebrate Easter Sunday at Forward Operating Base Gamberi,

US military chaplains have been providing such religious services for US troops probably since the Army was first created.  The President once cited a Fighter Pilot Easter that occurred in 1945 in a war zone still smoldering from combat (though President Obama left out the line about Jesus Christ in the Easter sermon…).  (This year, President Obama said the values of Christ’s resurrection are “at the heart” of all religions, not just Christianity.)

Some critics, like the MRFF’s Chris Rodda, seemingly want to see such religious services end, unfortunately, but that is a step the US military, in its protection of troops’ Constitutional rights, has refused to take.

Also at Kandahar.

With reference to the Religion Clause.