Chaplain Team Preps for Mass Casualties
The US Army North chaplain team is tasked to support Task Force 51, an intragovernmental team that would stand up if a CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear) event occurred.
[Chaplain] Maj. William Nicholas said everybody’s role in the task force is important but the role of the chaplain and chaplain’s assistant is unique because in a predicament people might need the presence or the love of God.
The team would support everyone involved in whatever manner necessary:
In the event of a mass casualty incident, [chaplain assistant Master Sgt. Felix] Ramos said the religious support teams would assist everyone involved in the recovery effort. [He] said, “[The religious support teams] are used in a time of crisis to provide religious counseling and attend to the spiritual needs the soldiers have.”
“We will assist mortuary affairs, personnel who will confront casualties every day. We will provide religious support to everybody — DoD civilians, active duty soldiers and our brothers in the National Guard and reserve components.”
The United States sends its military around the world — and sometimes just around the corner. Despite the presence of churches, synagogues, mosques, etc, within the American community, military chaplains remain uniquely trained and equipped to minister to those serving in time of need.