Troops Say Public Prayers on Baghdad Hilltop
The US military Chaplaincy staff at Camp Liberty, Baghdad, Iraq, started a “Mountaintop Experience” to help local Americans “strengthen their resiliency.” A significant group of servicemembers and civilians meets atop Signal Hill at 0500, overlooking the base, and prays together.
Col. Mike Lembke, the Chaplain, and Sgt Michael Lee, the Chaplain’s assistant, said:
“Spiritual resiliency is the individual ability to exercise your faith on a daily basis so you are able to understand, or you are able integrate the joys and sorrows of each day into your life,” Lembke said…
When a person has a solid, spiritual foundation, they understand that someone has everything under control and they can lean on that during the tough times instead of relying on themselves to make through, Lee said.
The group is made up of many from the base, including, as shown in the picture below, Army Soldiers, Air Force Airmen, and civilians.

DoD Photo