Tag Archives: ramstein

LGBT Activists are Using Military Kids to Advance their Agenda

Homosexuals discovered a few years ago that if they could normalize homosexuality within the US military, then they could normalize it within society.  Saying it was “unfair” that homosexuals couldn’t get “equal rights” wasn’t enough.  But if you could say those same homosexuals were “giving their lives for their country,” the mood would change.

They subsequently discovered that homosexuals who were denied the military benefits of “marriage” — especially when one was killed in the line of duty — made a powerful argument for redefining marriage.

It’s a technique that has worked — and it’s a technique that other special interest groups have attempted to mimic ever since (and others haven’t yet thought of it).

Transgender activists tried the same thing, but when one of the best examples of a man wanting to be a woman is convicted for stealing state secrets (a la Bradley “Chelsea” Manning), they faced an uphill battle. Worse still, due to overexposure society has almost grown numb to the “we risk our lives for this country” meme. Transgender activists needed something more.

So they went for the children. They went Read more

Gary Chapman Teaches Ramstein Couples about Marriage

The chapel at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, recently hosted Gary Chapman (author of The 5 Love Languages) as part of a marriage seminar for military couples:

The topics discussed during the seminar included how different people give and receive love, common causes of conflicts between couples, and how they can improve communication in order to minimize these conflicts.

Chapman emphasized communication as an indispensable tool in producing a healthy and intimate marriage.

Chaplain (Capt) Kristin Swenson indicated the event was well-received, and it Read more

US Military Celebrates National Day of Prayer

praydeployDespite one ill-fated and ill-willed attempt to keep some US troops from joining together in prayer, the US military celebrated the National Day of Prayer around the world.

Renowned Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias spoke at a National Prayer Breakfast gathering at Ramstein Air Base, Germany, to more than 300 US troops, their families, and civilians.  There and at a simultaneous symposium he talked on ‘Where is God in Suffering?’ and  Read more

Chaplains, the Constitution, and Spiritual Backgrounds

An Air Force article about a shortage of chaplains at Creech Air Force base opened with an important statement:

With every airman having a different faith, each has something unique to add to the mission.

Implicit in that statement is something often forgotten:  The Air Force recognizes (or should recognize) virtue in the fact its Airmen have religious beliefs.

Another interesting Air Force article about military chaplains from Ramstein, Germany, explained what chaplains do and where they come from:  Read more