Tag Archives: psychology

Family Life Chaplains Train to Save Lives

A Fort Hood press release notes the training program for Army chaplains in marriage and family counseling.  In a trait few seem to realize, the chaplains who attend the program are not only specially trained in counseling, they also get a degree in the process:

“Our primary mission is to train Army chaplains in marriage and family counseling,” said Chap. [LtCol] Mark Knox, director of the FLCTC… “[Chaplains] go to school and get an additional degree over at Texas A&M in Counseling Psychology. And then we provide Read more

Doctoral Survey on God, Coping and Combat

A Regent University doctoral student is studying the psychology of religious coping of military personnel following exposure to combat, and he’s collecting data using an online survey.  While the survey may cause some to remember their combat experiences, the questions themselves are otherwise benign, if a bit fuzzy at times.

If you’re a combat-experienced believer in God, you can contribute to the data through the survey here.